I encountered this problem (win2000 Words) after I save it
and when try to re-open to use it, it prompt me above
message. I can see the physical file is there.I copy and
open the file in another PC with Win Word97 not problem.
I have un-install it and reinstall till patches O2kSP3 but
problem still exist.
My O/S is Win2000 Pro with 128MB ram.
Any re-solution on is issue?
Best regards,
and when try to re-open to use it, it prompt me above
message. I can see the physical file is there.I copy and
open the file in another PC with Win Word97 not problem.
I have un-install it and reinstall till patches O2kSP3 but
problem still exist.
My O/S is Win2000 Pro with 128MB ram.
Any re-solution on is issue?
Best regards,