The expression you entered has a function name that Microsoft Offi


Jose Garcia


Using Microsoft Access 2003.

I have a form, which has the following two field camps:
- Number of plane
- Sheet of plane

The aim of the form is to show how much revisions are with these two
information fields. For this reason , when you click a button to show the
results, it executes a query which gives the results. This query is executed
via Macro.

The query is the following, and runs well:

SELECT T1.Revision, T1.Fecha_ult_revision FROM Control AS T1 LEFT JOIN
[SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Control WHERE (((Control.Numero)=[Num]) AND
((Control.Hoja)=[hoj])) ORDER BY Control.Revision DESC]. AS RecordToExclude
ON (T1.Hoja = RecordToExclude.Hoja) AND (T1.Fecha_ult_revision =
RecordToExclude.Fecha_ult_revision) AND (T1.Numero = RecordToExclude.Numero)
WHERE (((T1.Numero)=[Num]) AND ((T1.Hoja)=[hoj]) AND
((RecordToExclude.Numero) Is Null) AND ((RecordToExclude.Fecha_ult_revision)
Is Null) AND ((RecordToExclude.Hoja) Is Null)) ORDER BY T1.Revision;

The problem is that when I click the button of the form , with the data in
the filled in the field camps, Access shows me the following message error:

The expression you entered has a function name that Microsoft Office Access
can't find and after that shows me the result properly.

I would be very grateful if anybody could tell how can I quit that error

Thanks with anticipation


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