The format for "Insert Number of Pages" won't change from 1 to i.



I want to break my document into two sections. One section uses lower case
Roman numberals (i, ii, iii...) and the other section uses Arabic numbers
(1,2,3...). I changed the Page Number format to lower case Roman Numerals
for the first section. This changed the "Insert Page Number" format, but it
did not change the "Insert Number of Pages" format. So I get the following
result, "i of 2" instead of the desired result, "i of ii".


Dear Carol,

The article you referenced didn't help as much as the Bill Coan article "How
to control the page numbering in a Word document" to which your article
directed me. I didn't want to have to use switches (Silly me...I thought the
program should do the work.), but....Hey!....the switches worked. Thanks for
your help!


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