A Sales Rep has a full year target of 300, split into 3 levels - 100, 200 and
300, with a payout of 15%, 20% and 25% at the 3 levels. Need to know the
formula that calculates where a YTD performance # is relative to a payout on
the 3 levels. For ex. If YTD # is 300 then Level 1 is 100 with a payout at
15%, Level 2 is 100 with a payout of 20% and Level 3 is also 100 paying at
25%. If YTD = 65 then only Level 1 at 15%.
300, with a payout of 15%, 20% and 25% at the 3 levels. Need to know the
formula that calculates where a YTD performance # is relative to a payout on
the 3 levels. For ex. If YTD # is 300 then Level 1 is 100 with a payout at
15%, Level 2 is 100 with a payout of 20% and Level 3 is also 100 paying at
25%. If YTD = 65 then only Level 1 at 15%.