The formula works if I copy from Auckland Kilometres



Hello from Steved

If I copy from Auckland Kilometres spreadsheet and "paste" or "value" to the
worksheet with the below formula it is fine, I've tried to put --B22
believeing it to be text but also it does not work. What is required please.

{=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(B22,'Auckland Kilometres'!$A$5:$E$5007,2,FALSE)),"Out Of
Service",VLOOKUP(B22,'Auckland Kilometres'!$A$5:$E$5007,2,FALSE))}

I Thankyou.

Fred Smith

Tell us what error you get. In one sentence you say "it is fine", in the
next you say "does not work". Tell us which one you mean, and what "does not
work" means.

Some other things you can clear up.
-- What does "value" to the spreadsheet mean? If you're doing a Paste
special>Values, that will be a problem because it won't be pasting your
-- Are there really braces {} around your formula? If so, that's also a
potential problem, because that makes it an array formula. To correct this,
hit F2 then enter. Don't use Ctrl-Shift-Enter.



Hello Fred from Steved

Fred it works okay If I copy then paste the cell information from "Auckland
Kilometres" the formula works fine, but the formula it self is not working on
the spreadsheet itself witthout copy and paste and yes I took {} away and it
has made no difference.

I Thankyou for taking timeout on my issue.

Fred Smith

"not working" is insufficient information. If you want a solution, you need
to tell us what happens. Does it give the wrong result? Does it just
display the formula? Something else?



Hello Fred

Fred i'm sorry i've wasted your time You gave me the solution earlier.

The solution was as you said take out {} but I left in --B22 I took out -- and
now it's fine. Thankyou for sticking with me on my issue


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