The handiest shortcut I've stumbled upon lately is ...



.... holding CTRL and scrolling mousewheel up or down while in Normal
or Slide Sorter View. Result: Zoom in and zoom out. Cool. Kind of
Adobian, no? (Hey, I worked for management consultants. I get to make
up words, too.) Maybe you use this shortcut all the time, but I feel
like a happy kid right now.

I am a keyboard zealot. But ALT-V-Z-ALT(digit)-RTN will lose to
CTRL-wheel if I'm at the mouse already.

Specifics: PPT2002, WinXP, MS Intellimouse, but it also works on my
PPT97, Win2K system with a generic wheeled mouse.

What's your fave new shortcut?


Tony Ramos
Specialist in PowerPoint Presentation Design

Phill Power

TonyRamos said:
... holding CTRL and scrolling mousewheel up or down while in Normal
or Slide Sorter View. Result: Zoom in and zoom out. Cool. Kind of
Adobian, no? (Hey, I worked for management consultants. I get to make
up words, too.) Maybe you use this shortcut all the time, but I feel
like a happy kid right now.
Yes, I remember the joy of that discovery! It also works in many other
progs, Word; Excel; PSP; etc... Also the scroll wheel will
advance/retreat slides in slide show, especially useful in rehearsals!

My fav buttons of the moment are ALT+4 to go straight to slide sorter
view; CTRL+SHIFT+= for superscript & CTRL+= for subscript; and of course
good ol' F4, the 'do it again' key - just have to remember what it was
you did last...

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Steve Rindsberg

Yes, I remember the joy of that discovery! It also works in many other
progs, Word; Excel; PSP; etc... Also the scroll wheel will
advance/retreat slides in slide show, especially useful in rehearsals!

Ctrl+Wheel also increases/reduces text size in MSIE if the page you're
viewing isn't too analretentively written.

Keith Tromer

OK.. here's the one that made me (um.. well.. we'll keep it G-Rated) HAPPY
when I first found it!

<Ctrl><Shift>G - Group
<Ctrl><Shift>H - UnGroup


For the benefit of everyone, all keyboard shortcuts can be found very nicely
documented in Help. Do an Index search on keyboard shortcut and then select
Keyboard shortcuts from the list. There are enough to make everyone happy,
no matter what their G-rated pleasures are. ROFL!

Jon Peltier

WOW!! I remember MacDraw, back around 1985. Command-G and Command-H
did Group & Ungroup. I've been trying Ctrl-G and H for years out of
habit, to no avail. And now you've shown me the way!

And no, Sonia, nobody reads the help files!

- Jon


Another G-rated response involving the F-phrase: "function key."
Today's episode: F2.

It never ceases to amaze me when someone is watching me work and
"Whoa, slow down a second. What'd you just do?"
"Um, F2 toggles you between text editing and object slection."
"Wow ..."

Nothing demonstrates your value like a live demo. Even if you think
it's just simple stuff. Gotta love it.

But the Photoshop guru on TechTV's "The Screen Savers" -- now THERE's
a person I'd be willing to pay for a full day's private viewing.

Whoops. Sliding quickly into an R rating.


Tony Ramos
Specialist in PowerPoint Presentation Design

Mike M.

He has those rear projection eyeballs like the Terminator and he can scroll
through the help file with a thought.

Echo S

TonyRamos said:
Another G-rated response involving the F-phrase: "function key."
Today's episode: F2.

It never ceases to amaze me when someone is watching me work and
"Whoa, slow down a second. What'd you just do?"
"Um, F2 toggles you between text editing and object slection."
"Wow ..."

OOOOhhhhh, cool! Thanks for that, Tony. I use Esc all the time to move
to selecting the object when I've been editing text, but F2 is a *great*
way to get back. Just add a down arrow click, and I'm back where I
started. <g>


Steve Rindsberg

My favorite..... in a presentation simply press "B" (well in my German
version it's "S") and the screen will go black! It's great in
presentations, if you have to explain something and want to pull the
audience from the screen....

Or "W" (probably the same in German?) for White instead of Black.

P, alas, does not make the screen go Purple.

Robert Lerner

And... if you rapidly alternate hits of B and W, you can get the audience's
attention... that or throw them into seizure. I noticed they took that away
in version 2002. Now B and W hits toggle Black/Show Black/Show. It has to
come out of the black blank screen and into show before going to the white
blank screen. Maybe the change was due to someone complaining about me. ;-)

Steve Rindsberg

our rig, a client wandered in & started poking around on the show PC's.
Suddenly, the screen went dark & said client approached us and said:

"I 'ave made ze projector be dark by pressing the button 'B' on the
PowerPoint to save the lamp-life"

You can also use black duct/gaffer tape for that.

Run a nice big strip of it right across their eyes.