The Imported data does not match the destination field type.


Renee IT/PM

I have a earlier posting of this (05/25), with no replies - the issue is
occuring more each day. Can someone recommend a solution - or point me to
another resource for researching this? Thanks.

Since upgrading to SP2a/SP2 I have had several Project Managers reporting
the following messages from several Project Plans.

These occur on older as well as more recent projects, but not on all projects.

The messages occur when opening an Enterprise Project.

The Imported data does not match the destination field type.
There is an invalid data inthe source file.
"X" for task ID "XXX" is not a valid entry for a WBS code.
A new "WBS" code will be generated fro task ID "XXX".

To continue importing with additional error messages, click Yes.

Renee IT/PM

I found some information on this and wanted to share it.
After moving, deleting, or rearranging tasks, their custom work breakdown
structure (WBS) codes (WBS: A hierarchical structure that is used to organize
tasks for reporting schedules and tracking costs. With Project, you can
represent the work breakdown structure by using task IDs or by assigning your
own WBS code to each task.) may no longer be in the correct sequence. You can
renumber the WBS codes of all or selected tasks.

On the View menu, click a sheet (sheet: A spreadsheet-like representation
[in rows and columns] of task or resource information. Each row specifies an
individual task or resource. Each column [field] specifies a type of
information, such as start dates or standard rates.) view that contains the
tasks you want to renumber, such as the Task Sheet.
To use a view that is not on the View menu, click More Views, click the view
you want to use in the Views list, and then click Apply.

In the Task Name field, select the tasks you want to renumber.
To select adjacent tasks, hold down SHIFT, and then click the first and last
tasks you want.

To renumber WBS codes for all tasks, you don't need to select any tasks.

On the Project menu, point to WBS, and then click Renumber.
To correct the WBS code sequence for selected adjacent tasks, click Selected
To correct the WBS code sequence for all tasks in the project, click Entire

This was my source:

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