The Information cannot be pasted Message


John Quinn

I have waited 20 hours, and have not found my problem.

This is as a result of lack of experience and a typo yesterday.

I have two methods listed and I cannot get either one to work. Assistance
would be greatly appreciated as I would like to give the school board some
information Monday Night!

Here is my code with the error's marked with '*

Thanks Again for assistance


Dim wkst As Worksheet ' Current Sheet
Dim lbls As Workbook
Dim wslb As Worksheet ' Work Sheet
Dim lastRow As Long

Set wkst = ActiveSheet
Set lbls = Workbooks.Add(1)
Set wslb = lbls.Worksheets(1)
lbls.Title = "Letters to Educators"
lbls.Subject = "Grades"

With wkst
..AutoFilterMode = False
..Columns(12).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="AAA"
..Columns(2).Copy wslb.Columns(2)
'* The Information cannot be pasted because the Copy area and the paste area
are not the same size and shape
..Columns(5).Copy wslb.Columns(3)
..Columns(7).Copy wslb.Columns(4)
..Columns(8).Copy wslb.Columns(5)
..Columns(9).Copy wslb.Columns(6)
End With

wslb.SaveAs Filename:="C:\ExcelExp\TxLabels.xls",

MsgBox "Class AAAA Completed"

End Sub

' Also Tried This Method

Sub ClassAAA()

Dim wkst As Worksheet ' Current Sheet
Dim lbls As Workbook
Dim wslb As Worksheet ' Work Sheet
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim chkClass As String

Set wkst = ActiveSheet
lastRow = Range("L" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
chkClass = "AAA"

SelCol = InputBox("Enter the Column for the Educator You Want to
Send Letters to:!")
Set lbls = Workbooks.Add

With lbls
..Title = "Letters to Educators"
..Subject = "Grades"
End With

Set wslb = ActiveSheet
Do Until ActiveCell.Row > lastRow
If ActiveCell.Value = chkClass Then
'* ActiveCell.Value is Always Empty

wkst.Columns(3).Copy wslb.Columns(2)
wkst.Columns(5).Copy wslb.Columns(3)
wkst.Columns(7).Copy wslb.Columns(4)
wkst.Columns(8).Copy wslb.Columns(5)
End If
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate ' Move to Next Row

wslb.SaveAs Filename:="C:\ExcelExp\TxLabels.xls",

MsgBox "Class AAA Completed"

End Sub

John Q.

John Quinn

Thanks, that got me by one problem, now to the next one!
Have a good weekend

John Q.

Dave Peterson

It may have gotten you by that problem, but you may want to consider why the
shapes are different.

If you're using merged cells in one of those columns, then when you paste to
that top cell in the destination sheet, what happens to those merged cells?

And what happens to them in the subsequent pasting.

I didn't do any testing, but I know merged cells can be a big ole pain the ....

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