The insert command has stopped working in all my Office productsd



The insert command has stopped working in all my Office products. I cannot
insert a file, picture or new page in my document, and the Program is Not
Repsonding message appears. I have to exit the program and lose my
information. This has happened continuously today and I have checked
Publisher, Word and PowerPoint; the same problem occurs in each of these. I
have done both cold and warm reboots with no success. I use these products
for my business daily -- all day -- Help.


Thanks for the link, Carol, but unfortunately method 1 didn't work. I can
insert everything but "file" and "picture." Would methods 2 & 3 yield a
different result?


I cannot guarantee that Whit, as fortunately, I have never had to do that,
but I would certainly try it since the people who wrote that solution are
pretty much experts in the field. If you have tried that and it isn't
helpful, please post back here.


I find that the insert command works with everything but insert "file" and
insert "picture from file" -- all other insert commands work. So it is
"file" that is the problem. Does this make sense?


Ok Whit, I have read and re-read your post and I have gone back and looked at
Word, PowerPoint and Publisher and I don't have I don't have "file" as a
choice under insert, nor was I able to customize my menu to include File.
It's the end of the day and perhaps I'm just being obtuse. What exactly
happens when you click on Insert | Picture | From file?


EESH!!! I AM being obtuse! Of course I have file as a choice! But I still
need to know exactly what happens when you try to insert a file or a picture.
Please post back and let me know. Thanks!


I think "file" is a choice only in Word; in Publisher there is a "text file"
option. But the problem is this in detail: I discovered the problem in
Publisher -- a program I use for multiple purposes, including a 30 page web
site. I use it every day. I was creating an ad for a client and clicked on
"insert picture from file." I got an hourglass and a non-responsive program
message. This happened several times: I was never even able to access the
picture I was seeking to insert. So I went to Word to see if I could use it
to create the ad. Same result. Then I tried clicking on "insert file" in
Word, and I got the My Documents folders, but when I clicked on a file,
nothing happened and the same non-responsive program message appears. I have
been using Word since 1986 and Publisher since 2000, and nothing like this
has ever happened. I have rebooted, and tried all three of the suggested
fixes. Next step is calling a tech if you can't help. And thanks so much
for trying!


Carol: You may have given up on me and who could blame you. Just one more
note. I have opened and used another Publisher-type application by
Broderbund and the insert command works flawlessly. Maybe it would be
helpful to relate what error messages I get in Office products when I try to
insert a file or a picture:

In Word, I get: WINWORD.EXE szAppVer: 11.0.6568.0 szModName : hungapp
In Pub, I get: C:/DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\WERb75e.dir00\MSPUB.EXE.mdmp;
and as above except after dir00 I get\appcomat.txt

Does that help identify the problem?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

It's possible that this is yet another manifestation of the problems caused
by a recent security update to Windows/IE. If you have installed the
KB908531 patch, try uninstalling it.


I do recall seeing an automatic update to Windows earlier today. There were
6 items being downloaded, but none were specified. I've gone to IE help to
look for security updates, but I'm not sure I'm looking in the right place.
How do I find the update so I can disable it?


Control Panel | Add / Remove Programs - make sure you click show updates.
Look for the hotfixes. Sorry I wasn't more helpful to you! Thanks to you


Thanks so much. Hope it works. Just got in a few minutes ago -- it is
12:30AM so I think I'll wait until morning to uninstall the update. Seems
too coincidental for that not to be the problem. Only one question: If it
is a Windows update would that affect only MicroSoft products? I've noted
here that a Broderbund product works perfectly. In any case, I'll let you
know in the morning if this fix works.


Decided I'd stay up and do the uninstall anyway. Guess what? It worked.
All inserts are working perfectly in all programs. You guys are wizards. I
have already emailed several Office users about the problem, because that
update went out this morning to how many million users? thanks to Carol and



CWhit said:
Carol: You may have given up on me and who could blame you. Just one more
note. I have opened and used another Publisher-type application by
Broderbund and the insert command works flawlessly. Maybe it would be
helpful to relate what error messages I get in Office products when I try to
insert a file or a picture:

In Word, I get: WINWORD.EXE szAppVer: 11.0.6568.0 szModName : hungapp
In Pub, I get: C:/DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\WERb75e.dir00\MSPUB.EXE.mdmp;
and as above except after dir00 I get\appcomat.txt

Does that help identify the problem?


I had the same problems and came here looking for a solution. I'd
already tried a repair on Office with no effect. Thanks to Suzanne for
the advice re: KB908531 - I deleted it and everything is up and working
again now.
Thanks again.

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