The Microsoft Access Jet database engine could not find the object



I have a button in a database form to email the text in .rtf format but it
always gives the database engine error only on the one computer. I am
totally stumped. Here is the code from the button :
stDocName = "Print Tool Damage Sections 1-2"
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, stDocName

All the other computers work fine but this one. Thank you.


My guess: Missing reference to a library. Have you checked to make certain
that all references have been resolved? To do so, go to a working computer
and open up the VBA code window for any form or module. Click TOOLS then
REFERENCES and record which items have a check present. Then do to the
machine that doesn't work and do the same. There's a good chance that you
have a missing reference. Scroll down and find the item, and click the check
box, to add it.

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

That error would indicate that on that particular computer that report is

1. Missing
2. Misspelled
3. Corrupt and won't open.

Try replacing it with one of the reports that is working on another
computer. Also compact and repair the database:

Tools >>> Database Utilities >>> Compact and Repair

George Nicholson

In addition to the other excellent suggestions, make sure there is a Default
printer installed on that computer and that Access knows about it. (Can you
print *anything* else from Access on that machine, or is it just that



Here is the script from the button, the file is not named.
Private Sub Mail_Section_1_2_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Mail_Section_1_2_Click

Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "Print Tool Damage Sections 1-2"
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, stDocName

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Mail_Section_1_2_Click

End Sub

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

Generally, it's best to use a default printer with Access reports. Specific
printers, unless shared on a network with the same exact name, tend to cause
problems with Access reports if run from different machines.

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