Just wanting to vent...
as I just saw clearly how much I've been dreading finishing up a
document just because I'm doing it in Office and because I've been
burned recently with corrupted documents.
What happened to the halcyon days of yore, when word processors seemed
to be time-savers?
<Deep nostalgic sigh...>
Ah, Word 5.1a (this assumes you are on a Mac).
Hence the famous saying: "Word never loses an opportunity to perplex".
I suspect that your despondency is too deep, Matt, to articulate specific
problems for us volunteers here to help with. But at least we supply the
electronic shoulder... ;-)
Hang on: corruption! That reminds me: take a look at some notes on the way I
use Word for the Mac, titled "Bend Word to Your Will", which are available
as a free download from the Word MVPs' website
http://word.mvps.org/Mac/Bend/BendWordToYourWill.html). Do a Command-f for
"corrup" and see what comes up. For example, page 129, 'Corruption of
documents, removing'.
[Note: "Bend Word to your will" is designed to be used electronically and
most subjects are self-contained dictionary-style entries. If you decide to
read more widely than the item I've referred to, it's important to read the
front end of the document -- especially pages 3 and 5 -- so you can select
some Word settings that will allow you to use the document effectively.]
Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
(My time zone is 5-11 hours different from the Americas and Europe, so my
follow-on responses to those regions can be delayed)