The ominous drop-down menu



I am trying to create a drop-down that is not sending information to a form.
I need each item in the drop-down to be a hyperlink to products (i.e. when a
customer clicks on Atlas Snowshoes they will open up our Atlas Snowshoe

1. What is a Form Field Validation? Do I need this?
2. Form Field Properties: What is the difference between "Display Name"
under FFV versus "Name" under FFP?
3. Because customers can only choose one link under the drop-down at a
time, will deleting the "Reset" button create any problem?
4. Under FFP, what does "specify value" mean upon adding a selection to the
drop-down menu? To me this would be a convienant place to specify a
5. How do I attach a hyperlink to a selection?
6. After adding selections under FFP I click "Ok" and receive the following
"This control's name is not a valid identifier for scripting languages.
Consequently, any script that FrontPage generates may not work properly.
Before specifying validation criteria, please change the control's name so
that it starts with a letter, and subsequent characters are letters (A-Z and
a-z), digits (0-9) or underscores ("_") Note: the letters must be ASCII;
extended characters are not allowed" Followed by a "OK" or "Cancel" button

Kevin Spencer

Hi Zak,
1. What is a Form Field Validation? Do I need this?

Only if you don't want your users to enter invalid data, such as text where
a number should be.
2. Form Field Properties: What is the difference between "Display Name"
under FFV versus "Name" under FFP?

You lost me there. Tip: Don't make up abbreviations. Use common
abbreviations or spell it out.
3. Because customers can only choose one link under the drop-down at a
time, will deleting the "Reset" button create any problem?

The two issues are unrelated. The Reset button merely returns all form
fields to the initial state they were in when the page loaded. Deleting it
will not create a problem of any kind.
4. Under FFP, what does "specify value" mean upon adding a selection to
drop-down menu? To me this would be a convienant place to specify a

I'm going to take a wild guess here, that "FFP" meand "Form Field
Properties." I still have no idea what "FFV" stands for. In a drop-down list
box (select object in HTML), the value displayed in the list and the actual
value of the list item can be 2 different things. For example, the list
might show state names, and the value of each state might be a number. If I
understand your requirements, using a URL (NOT hyperlink) would be useful
for the value.
5. How do I attach a hyperlink to a selection?

Again, interpreting your syntax, I believe you mean "how do I cause the URL
of the page to change when an item is selected in the drop-0down list box?"
A hyperlink is a specific kind of HTML that, when you click on it, changes
the URL of the page to the new page's URL. To do this with a drop-down list
box, you would use some JavaScript. Example:

<select name="mySelect" size="1"
onclick="if(this.selectedIndex > 0)
document.location = options[this.selectedIndex].value">
<option>Select One</option>
<option value="">TAKempis
Internet Programming</option>

Note that the display name and value are different for the second option.
The value is a URL. The display name is just a string.
6. After adding selections under FFP I click "Ok" and receive the
"This control's name is not a valid identifier for scripting languages.
Consequently, any script that FrontPage generates may not work properly.
Before specifying validation criteria, please change the control's name so
that it starts with a letter, and subsequent characters are letters (A-Z
a-z), digits (0-9) or underscores ("_") Note: the letters must be ASCII;
extended characters are not allowed" Followed by a "OK" or "Cancel"

I would advise taking the advice given in the message.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.


Hi Kevin,

First of all Thank You for the quick response! Sorry for the abbreviations.
What I mean by FFV is Form Field Validation. FFP is what you guessed, Form
Field Properties. The only remaining question that I am not clear on is
question 6. I pasted it directly below this paragraph. I have no idea what
this is referring to. This message is displayed after trying to exit out of
FFP. I don't know what a control is to begin to fix it. Any ideas?

"This control's name is not a valid identifier for scripting languages.
Kevin Spencer said:
Hi Zak,
1. What is a Form Field Validation? Do I need this?

Only if you don't want your users to enter invalid data, such as text where
a number should be.
2. Form Field Properties: What is the difference between "Display Name"
under FFV versus "Name" under FFP?

You lost me there. Tip: Don't make up abbreviations. Use common
abbreviations or spell it out.
3. Because customers can only choose one link under the drop-down at a
time, will deleting the "Reset" button create any problem?

The two issues are unrelated. The Reset button merely returns all form
fields to the initial state they were in when the page loaded. Deleting it
will not create a problem of any kind.
4. Under FFP, what does "specify value" mean upon adding a selection to
drop-down menu? To me this would be a convienant place to specify a

I'm going to take a wild guess here, that "FFP" meand "Form Field
Properties." I still have no idea what "FFV" stands for. In a drop-down list
box (select object in HTML), the value displayed in the list and the actual
value of the list item can be 2 different things. For example, the list
might show state names, and the value of each state might be a number. If I
understand your requirements, using a URL (NOT hyperlink) would be useful
for the value.
5. How do I attach a hyperlink to a selection?

Again, interpreting your syntax, I believe you mean "how do I cause the URL
of the page to change when an item is selected in the drop-0down list box?"
A hyperlink is a specific kind of HTML that, when you click on it, changes
the URL of the page to the new page's URL. To do this with a drop-down list
box, you would use some JavaScript. Example:

<select name="mySelect" size="1"
onclick="if(this.selectedIndex > 0)
document.location = options[this.selectedIndex].value">
<option>Select One</option>
<option value="">TAKempis
Internet Programming</option>

Note that the display name and value are different for the second option.
The value is a URL. The display name is just a string.
6. After adding selections under FFP I click "Ok" and receive the
I would advise taking the advice given in the message.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.


A control in this context is a form field or button.

As the message says, Form elements (text fields, check boxes, radio button
groups, buttons) must be named using alphanumeric characters only. The
underline is also acceptable. However spaces, hyphens and other
non-alphanumeric characters are banned and can cause the form processing to

Ron Symonds (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

Zak said:
Hi Kevin,

First of all Thank You for the quick response! Sorry for the
What I mean by FFV is Form Field Validation. FFP is what you guessed,
Field Properties. The only remaining question that I am not clear on is
question 6. I pasted it directly below this paragraph. I have no idea
this is referring to. This message is displayed after trying to exit out
FFP. I don't know what a control is to begin to fix it. Any ideas?

"This control's name is not a valid identifier for scripting languages.
Kevin Spencer said:
Hi Zak,
1. What is a Form Field Validation? Do I need this?

Only if you don't want your users to enter invalid data, such as text
a number should be.
2. Form Field Properties: What is the difference between "Display
under FFV versus "Name" under FFP?

You lost me there. Tip: Don't make up abbreviations. Use common
abbreviations or spell it out.
3. Because customers can only choose one link under the drop-down at a
time, will deleting the "Reset" button create any problem?

The two issues are unrelated. The Reset button merely returns all form
fields to the initial state they were in when the page loaded. Deleting
will not create a problem of any kind.
4. Under FFP, what does "specify value" mean upon adding a selection
drop-down menu? To me this would be a convienant place to specify a

I'm going to take a wild guess here, that "FFP" meand "Form Field
Properties." I still have no idea what "FFV" stands for. In a drop-down
box (select object in HTML), the value displayed in the list and the
value of the list item can be 2 different things. For example, the list
might show state names, and the value of each state might be a number. If
understand your requirements, using a URL (NOT hyperlink) would be
for the value.
5. How do I attach a hyperlink to a selection?

Again, interpreting your syntax, I believe you mean "how do I cause the
of the page to change when an item is selected in the drop-0down list
A hyperlink is a specific kind of HTML that, when you click on it,
the URL of the page to the new page's URL. To do this with a drop-down
box, you would use some JavaScript. Example:

<select name="mySelect" size="1"
onclick="if(this.selectedIndex > 0)
document.location = options[this.selectedIndex].value">
<option>Select One</option>
<option value="">TAKempis
Internet Programming</option>

Note that the display name and value are different for the second option.
The value is a URL. The display name is just a string.
6. After adding selections under FFP I click "Ok" and receive the
I would advise taking the advice given in the message.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.


Hi Ronx,

I've fixed the Form Field Property deal by inserting an underscore. Thanks
for stating the obvious :) Unfortunately, I am still unable to run my
drop-down menu. Do you see anything missing from the code below?

<script language="JavaScript">
function goToURL(form)

var myindex=form.dropdownmenu.selectedIndex


<p align="right"><!--webbot bot="Validation"
S-Display-Name="Manufacturer_Listing" B-Value-Required="TRUE" --><select
name="Manufacturer_Listing" size="1" onChange="goToURL(this.form)"
<option selected>
<option value="">Atlas Snowshoes</option>
<option value="">Sierra Designs</option>

Ronx said:
A control in this context is a form field or button.

As the message says, Form elements (text fields, check boxes, radio button
groups, buttons) must be named using alphanumeric characters only. The
underline is also acceptable. However spaces, hyphens and other
non-alphanumeric characters are banned and can cause the form processing to

Ron Symonds (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

Zak said:
Hi Kevin,

First of all Thank You for the quick response! Sorry for the
What I mean by FFV is Form Field Validation. FFP is what you guessed,
Field Properties. The only remaining question that I am not clear on is
question 6. I pasted it directly below this paragraph. I have no idea
this is referring to. This message is displayed after trying to exit out
FFP. I don't know what a control is to begin to fix it. Any ideas?

"This control's name is not a valid identifier for scripting languages.
Consequently, any script that FrontPage generates may not work
Before specifying validation criteria, please change the control's name
that it starts with a letter, and subsequent characters are letters
a-z), digits (0-9) or underscores ("_") Note: the letters must be
extended characters are not allowed" Followed by a "OK" or "Cancel"

Kevin Spencer said:
Hi Zak,

1. What is a Form Field Validation? Do I need this?

Only if you don't want your users to enter invalid data, such as text
a number should be.

2. Form Field Properties: What is the difference between "Display
under FFV versus "Name" under FFP?

You lost me there. Tip: Don't make up abbreviations. Use common
abbreviations or spell it out.

3. Because customers can only choose one link under the drop-down at a
time, will deleting the "Reset" button create any problem?

The two issues are unrelated. The Reset button merely returns all form
fields to the initial state they were in when the page loaded. Deleting
will not create a problem of any kind.

4. Under FFP, what does "specify value" mean upon adding a selection
drop-down menu? To me this would be a convienant place to specify a

I'm going to take a wild guess here, that "FFP" meand "Form Field
Properties." I still have no idea what "FFV" stands for. In a drop-down
box (select object in HTML), the value displayed in the list and the
value of the list item can be 2 different things. For example, the list
might show state names, and the value of each state might be a number. If
understand your requirements, using a URL (NOT hyperlink) would be
for the value.

5. How do I attach a hyperlink to a selection?

Again, interpreting your syntax, I believe you mean "how do I cause the
of the page to change when an item is selected in the drop-0down list
A hyperlink is a specific kind of HTML that, when you click on it,
the URL of the page to the new page's URL. To do this with a drop-down
box, you would use some JavaScript. Example:

<select name="mySelect" size="1"
onclick="if(this.selectedIndex > 0)
document.location = options[this.selectedIndex].value">
<option>Select One</option>
<option value="">TAKempis
Internet Programming</option>

Note that the display name and value are different for the second option.
The value is a URL. The display name is just a string.

6. After adding selections under FFP I click "Ok" and receive the

I would advise taking the advice given in the message.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.

Thomas A. Rowe

Do you have the form tags surround this form?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Zak said:
Hi Ronx,

I've fixed the Form Field Property deal by inserting an underscore. Thanks
for stating the obvious :) Unfortunately, I am still unable to run my
drop-down menu. Do you see anything missing from the code below?

<script language="JavaScript">
function goToURL(form)

var myindex=form.dropdownmenu.selectedIndex


<p align="right"><!--webbot bot="Validation"
S-Display-Name="Manufacturer_Listing" B-Value-Required="TRUE" --><select
name="Manufacturer_Listing" size="1" onChange="goToURL(this.form)"
<option selected>
<option value="">Atlas Snowshoes</option>
<option value="">Sierra Designs</option>

Ronx said:
A control in this context is a form field or button.

As the message says, Form elements (text fields, check boxes, radio button
groups, buttons) must be named using alphanumeric characters only. The
underline is also acceptable. However spaces, hyphens and other
non-alphanumeric characters are banned and can cause the form processing to

Ron Symonds (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

Zak said:
Hi Kevin,

First of all Thank You for the quick response! Sorry for the
What I mean by FFV is Form Field Validation. FFP is what you guessed,
Field Properties. The only remaining question that I am not clear on is
question 6. I pasted it directly below this paragraph. I have no idea
this is referring to. This message is displayed after trying to exit out
FFP. I don't know what a control is to begin to fix it. Any ideas?

"This control's name is not a valid identifier for scripting languages.
Consequently, any script that FrontPage generates may not work
Before specifying validation criteria, please change the control's name
that it starts with a letter, and subsequent characters are letters
a-z), digits (0-9) or underscores ("_") Note: the letters must be
extended characters are not allowed" Followed by a "OK" or "Cancel"


Hi Zak,

1. What is a Form Field Validation? Do I need this?

Only if you don't want your users to enter invalid data, such as text
a number should be.

2. Form Field Properties: What is the difference between "Display
under FFV versus "Name" under FFP?

You lost me there. Tip: Don't make up abbreviations. Use common
abbreviations or spell it out.

3. Because customers can only choose one link under the drop-down at a
time, will deleting the "Reset" button create any problem?

The two issues are unrelated. The Reset button merely returns all form
fields to the initial state they were in when the page loaded. Deleting
will not create a problem of any kind.

4. Under FFP, what does "specify value" mean upon adding a selection
drop-down menu? To me this would be a convienant place to specify a

I'm going to take a wild guess here, that "FFP" meand "Form Field
Properties." I still have no idea what "FFV" stands for. In a drop-down
box (select object in HTML), the value displayed in the list and the
value of the list item can be 2 different things. For example, the list
might show state names, and the value of each state might be a number. If
understand your requirements, using a URL (NOT hyperlink) would be
for the value.

5. How do I attach a hyperlink to a selection?

Again, interpreting your syntax, I believe you mean "how do I cause the
of the page to change when an item is selected in the drop-0down list
A hyperlink is a specific kind of HTML that, when you click on it,
the URL of the page to the new page's URL. To do this with a drop-down
box, you would use some JavaScript. Example:

<select name="mySelect" size="1"
onclick="if(this.selectedIndex > 0)
document.location = options[this.selectedIndex].value">
<option>Select One</option>
<option value="">TAKempis
Internet Programming</option>

Note that the display name and value are different for the second option.
The value is a URL. The display name is just a string.

6. After adding selections under FFP I click "Ok" and receive the

I would advise taking the advice given in the message.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.


If by form tags you me <head> , </head> yes I do. Unfortunately I do not
know any html. I am not using this drop-down to link to a form though. I am
setting it up to link from my homepage to multiple
manufacturer's homepages. (i.e. choice Atlas Snowshoes, Value Do you have a specific tag in mind I can try?

Thomas A. Rowe said:
Do you have the form tags surround this form?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Zak said:
Hi Ronx,

I've fixed the Form Field Property deal by inserting an underscore. Thanks
for stating the obvious :) Unfortunately, I am still unable to run my
drop-down menu. Do you see anything missing from the code below?

<script language="JavaScript">
function goToURL(form)

var myindex=form.dropdownmenu.selectedIndex


<p align="right"><!--webbot bot="Validation"
S-Display-Name="Manufacturer_Listing" B-Value-Required="TRUE" --><select
name="Manufacturer_Listing" size="1" onChange="goToURL(this.form)"
<option selected>
<option value="">Atlas Snowshoes</option>
<option value="">Sierra Designs</option>

Ronx said:
A control in this context is a form field or button.

As the message says, Form elements (text fields, check boxes, radio button
groups, buttons) must be named using alphanumeric characters only. The
underline is also acceptable. However spaces, hyphens and other
non-alphanumeric characters are banned and can cause the form processing to

Ron Symonds (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

Hi Kevin,

First of all Thank You for the quick response! Sorry for the
What I mean by FFV is Form Field Validation. FFP is what you guessed,
Field Properties. The only remaining question that I am not clear on is
question 6. I pasted it directly below this paragraph. I have no idea
this is referring to. This message is displayed after trying to exit out
FFP. I don't know what a control is to begin to fix it. Any ideas?

"This control's name is not a valid identifier for scripting languages.
Consequently, any script that FrontPage generates may not work
Before specifying validation criteria, please change the control's name
that it starts with a letter, and subsequent characters are letters
a-z), digits (0-9) or underscores ("_") Note: the letters must be
extended characters are not allowed" Followed by a "OK" or "Cancel"


Hi Zak,

1. What is a Form Field Validation? Do I need this?

Only if you don't want your users to enter invalid data, such as text
a number should be.

2. Form Field Properties: What is the difference between "Display
under FFV versus "Name" under FFP?

You lost me there. Tip: Don't make up abbreviations. Use common
abbreviations or spell it out.

3. Because customers can only choose one link under the drop-down at a
time, will deleting the "Reset" button create any problem?

The two issues are unrelated. The Reset button merely returns all form
fields to the initial state they were in when the page loaded. Deleting
will not create a problem of any kind.

4. Under FFP, what does "specify value" mean upon adding a selection
drop-down menu? To me this would be a convienant place to specify a

I'm going to take a wild guess here, that "FFP" meand "Form Field
Properties." I still have no idea what "FFV" stands for. In a drop-down
box (select object in HTML), the value displayed in the list and the
value of the list item can be 2 different things. For example, the list
might show state names, and the value of each state might be a number. If
understand your requirements, using a URL (NOT hyperlink) would be
for the value.

5. How do I attach a hyperlink to a selection?

Again, interpreting your syntax, I believe you mean "how do I cause the
of the page to change when an item is selected in the drop-0down list
A hyperlink is a specific kind of HTML that, when you click on it,
the URL of the page to the new page's URL. To do this with a drop-down
box, you would use some JavaScript. Example:

<select name="mySelect" size="1"
onclick="if(this.selectedIndex > 0)
document.location = options[this.selectedIndex].value">
<option>Select One</option>
<option value="">TAKempis
Internet Programming</option>

Note that the display name and value are different for the second option.
The value is a URL. The display name is just a string.

6. After adding selections under FFP I click "Ok" and receive the

I would advise taking the advice given in the message.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.

Thomas A. Rowe

Form tags:



The drop menu is a form element and needs to be enclosed in a form tags, so that it will work in all

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Zak said:
If by form tags you me <head> , </head> yes I do. Unfortunately I do not
know any html. I am not using this drop-down to link to a form though. I am
setting it up to link from my homepage to multiple
manufacturer's homepages. (i.e. choice Atlas Snowshoes, Value Do you have a specific tag in mind I can try?

Thomas A. Rowe said:
Do you have the form tags surround this form?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Zak said:
Hi Ronx,

I've fixed the Form Field Property deal by inserting an underscore. Thanks
for stating the obvious :) Unfortunately, I am still unable to run my
drop-down menu. Do you see anything missing from the code below?

<script language="JavaScript">
function goToURL(form)

var myindex=form.dropdownmenu.selectedIndex


<p align="right"><!--webbot bot="Validation"
S-Display-Name="Manufacturer_Listing" B-Value-Required="TRUE" --><select
name="Manufacturer_Listing" size="1" onChange="goToURL(this.form)"
<option selected>
<option value="">Atlas Snowshoes</option>
<option value="">Sierra Designs</option>


A control in this context is a form field or button.

As the message says, Form elements (text fields, check boxes, radio button
groups, buttons) must be named using alphanumeric characters only. The
underline is also acceptable. However spaces, hyphens and other
non-alphanumeric characters are banned and can cause the form processing to

Ron Symonds (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

Hi Kevin,

First of all Thank You for the quick response! Sorry for the
What I mean by FFV is Form Field Validation. FFP is what you guessed,
Field Properties. The only remaining question that I am not clear on is
question 6. I pasted it directly below this paragraph. I have no idea
this is referring to. This message is displayed after trying to exit out
FFP. I don't know what a control is to begin to fix it. Any ideas?

"This control's name is not a valid identifier for scripting languages.
Consequently, any script that FrontPage generates may not work
Before specifying validation criteria, please change the control's name
that it starts with a letter, and subsequent characters are letters
a-z), digits (0-9) or underscores ("_") Note: the letters must be
extended characters are not allowed" Followed by a "OK" or "Cancel"


Hi Zak,

1. What is a Form Field Validation? Do I need this?

Only if you don't want your users to enter invalid data, such as text
a number should be.

2. Form Field Properties: What is the difference between "Display
under FFV versus "Name" under FFP?

You lost me there. Tip: Don't make up abbreviations. Use common
abbreviations or spell it out.

3. Because customers can only choose one link under the drop-down at a
time, will deleting the "Reset" button create any problem?

The two issues are unrelated. The Reset button merely returns all form
fields to the initial state they were in when the page loaded. Deleting
will not create a problem of any kind.

4. Under FFP, what does "specify value" mean upon adding a selection
drop-down menu? To me this would be a convienant place to specify a

I'm going to take a wild guess here, that "FFP" meand "Form Field
Properties." I still have no idea what "FFV" stands for. In a drop-down
box (select object in HTML), the value displayed in the list and the
value of the list item can be 2 different things. For example, the list
might show state names, and the value of each state might be a number. If
understand your requirements, using a URL (NOT hyperlink) would be
for the value.

5. How do I attach a hyperlink to a selection?

Again, interpreting your syntax, I believe you mean "how do I cause the
of the page to change when an item is selected in the drop-0down list
A hyperlink is a specific kind of HTML that, when you click on it,
the URL of the page to the new page's URL. To do this with a drop-down
box, you would use some JavaScript. Example:

<select name="mySelect" size="1"
onclick="if(this.selectedIndex > 0)
document.location = options[this.selectedIndex].value">
<option>Select One</option>
<option value="">TAKempis
Internet Programming</option>

Note that the display name and value are different for the second option.
The value is a URL. The display name is just a string.

6. After adding selections under FFP I click "Ok" and receive the

I would advise taking the advice given in the message.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.

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