the point


Patrick Stubbin

What is the point of this program??

I downloaded the trial version and cannot see why it can do that i cant use
other microsoft programs to do simialr things

Fritz Switzer

What is the point of this program??

To do things no other program can Microsoft or any other vendor.

For example, our application OneNote EMR Toolkit, is an electronic patient
charting program. The physician can document encounters using OneNote as an
application platform and have available in an organized manner all his/her
patient charts.

In one use case example, let's assume they add a patient chart entry that
includes the drug "Celebrex". When Celebrex is recalled, they can
search/locate their ink entries for Celebrex in all patient records, entries
that have not been converted to text. Not to be overly dramatic, but this
could save lives.

This is just one example. The "point" of OneNote is it can do things no
other program can do. And for some users and developers this is a very
powerful and enticing proposition.

Hopefully, you'll revisit OneNote and find some value. There are things I
have yet to discover that's what makes it so exciting.


Steve Silverwood

What is the point of this program??

I downloaded the trial version and cannot see why it can do that i cant use
other microsoft programs to do simialr things

The biggest feature of the program for me is its ability to organize
large amounts of "stuff" -- web site clippings, project notes, meeting
minutes, all sorts of things that used to clutter my office with post-it
notes and scratch pads and so forth. The ability to put anything
anywhere on the page makes it far easier and more flexible for quick
information gathering than a regular word processor would be. Now, for
finished documents -- memos, correspondence, reports, etc. -- I use Word
to format the information and prepare it for final publication or
distribution, but for the note-taking and information-gathering process
I use OneNote.

OneNote also serves as a great reference library. As the computer
support manager in our office, I keep notes about procedures and
technical tips handy using the program. People think I have a great
memory for technical details, but I cheat: OneNote makes it easy for me
to stash all sorts of miscellaneous tidbits of information about the
programs and systems we use, and a quick keyword search makes it easy
for me to find the data I need and solve the user's problems -- which
lets me get back to my Solitaire game all that much sooner! ;-)


-- //Steve//

Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA
Email: (e-mail address removed)

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