The print view from Hell !!!!


M. Swartztrauber

For the life of me, I can't get a test print view I made up to go away
and allow my form to print the default view.

With my filled in form up, I hit the design view icon, goto manage
views and delete the unwanted print version.

However, when I go back to print the filled out form, the unwanted
version is brought up again. There appears to be no option to bypass
it and print the default view.

This is driving me nuts. Any suggestions?

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

For the life of me, I can't get a test print view I made up to go away
and allow my form to print the default view.

With my filled in form up, I hit the design view icon, goto manage
views and delete the unwanted print version.

However, when I go back to print the filled out form, the unwanted
version is brought up again. There appears to be no option to bypass
it and print the default view.

This is driving me nuts. Any suggestions?

If you didn't close the filled out form it is still using the old form
template (which has the print view that you don't want).

Even if you close the form and opened it again ...

Depending on what you are doing you may be accessing a cached copy of
the old version of the form template (which includes the print view).

Try starting InfoPath from the command line with the /cache ClearAll

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

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