the reminder will not appear because the item is not in your calen



I just got a new computer with Windows Vista. I installed Office XP, Outlook
2002. Everything works fine except when I add an appt. I get a message "he
reminder will not appear because the item is not in your calendar folder or
task folder"
I have read the other posting but not sure where is my default folder is. I
did not have this problem with my old computer with Windows XP. Where do I
need to creat the calendar folder. Thank you.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

The default calendar is the one in Personal Folders. Any calendar that you
create will not be the default calendar.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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After furious head scratching, Nahbee asked:

| I just got a new computer with Windows Vista. I installed Office XP,
| Outlook 2002. Everything works fine except when I add an appt. I get
| a message "he reminder will not appear because the item is not in
| your calendar folder or task folder"
| I have read the other posting but not sure where is my default folder
| is. I did not have this problem with my old computer with Windows
| XP. Where do I need to creat the calendar folder. Thank you.

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