The same event handler for two CommandBar buttons
I add custom command
There are who similar XLA AddIns which add commandbars. The names of
commandbars are different and are formed from the name of the corresponding
xla file.
But the event handlers have the same names; it leads to the fact that
clicking on a button of any commandbar calls identical event handler. To be
exact, the handler from the file, which has been opened in the first
instance, is called.
I suppose that the same ID of the buttons causes the problem, but I failed
to add a button with my own ID.
Is there a solution for this issue?
Thank you!
Here is my code:
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Public strCommandBarName As String
Const strParameters = "Parameters"
Sub AddCommandBar()
Dim c As CommandBar
Dim CB As CommandBarButton
Dim cp As CommandBarPopup
On Error Resume Next
strCommandBarName = ThisWorkbook.Name
strCommandBarName = Replace(strCommandBarName, ".xla", "")
Set c = Application.CommandBars(strCommandBarName)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
End If
Set c = Application.CommandBars.Add(strCommandBarName, msoBarTop, False,
c.Enabled = True
c.Visible = True
Set CB = c.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1)
CB.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
CB.Caption = strParameters
CB.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!" & "OnActionParameters"
CB.FaceId = 304
End Sub
Sub DeleteCommandBar()
Dim c As CommandBar
On Error Resume Next
Set c = Application.CommandBars(strCommandBarName)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub OnActionParameters()
MsgBox ThisWorkbook.Name
End Sub
Function GetMyIndex() As String
Dim FileName As String
FileName = ThisWorkbook.Name
FileName = Replace(FileName, ".xla", "")
GetMyIndex = Mid(FileName, Len("ReplaceOnMask") + 1)
End Function
I add custom command
There are who similar XLA AddIns which add commandbars. The names of
commandbars are different and are formed from the name of the corresponding
xla file.
But the event handlers have the same names; it leads to the fact that
clicking on a button of any commandbar calls identical event handler. To be
exact, the handler from the file, which has been opened in the first
instance, is called.
I suppose that the same ID of the buttons causes the problem, but I failed
to add a button with my own ID.
Is there a solution for this issue?
Thank you!
Here is my code:
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Public strCommandBarName As String
Const strParameters = "Parameters"
Sub AddCommandBar()
Dim c As CommandBar
Dim CB As CommandBarButton
Dim cp As CommandBarPopup
On Error Resume Next
strCommandBarName = ThisWorkbook.Name
strCommandBarName = Replace(strCommandBarName, ".xla", "")
Set c = Application.CommandBars(strCommandBarName)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
End If
Set c = Application.CommandBars.Add(strCommandBarName, msoBarTop, False,
c.Enabled = True
c.Visible = True
Set CB = c.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1)
CB.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
CB.Caption = strParameters
CB.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!" & "OnActionParameters"
CB.FaceId = 304
End Sub
Sub DeleteCommandBar()
Dim c As CommandBar
On Error Resume Next
Set c = Application.CommandBars(strCommandBarName)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub OnActionParameters()
MsgBox ThisWorkbook.Name
End Sub
Function GetMyIndex() As String
Dim FileName As String
FileName = ThisWorkbook.Name
FileName = Replace(FileName, ".xla", "")
GetMyIndex = Mid(FileName, Len("ReplaceOnMask") + 1)
End Function