the same graphic when printed varies between documents!


John Hess


I don't usually read these newsgroups, but have been looking for the
answer to a problem I noticed the last few days and found these
groups, so ......

I was given a graphic by a collaborator; it is a slide in Powerpoint.

The graphic in Powerpoint prints perfectly on my deskjet or
colorlaserjet. Copied from Powerpoint into a grant document, it
prints fuzzy. Copied from Powerpoint into a new (blank) Word document
it prints sharp and clear. I can take the figure out of the grant and
paste it into a new blank document and it prints sharp and clear.
Somehow, the graphic in the grant is a combination that results in
fuzzy print?

The grant is a 25 page document with 19 figures, a couple have this
problem, the rest print great. I have tried deleting and repasting,
but they print fuzzy. I have been using paste, not paste special, not
insert from file. My Word preferences are the same as the guy I got
the slide from and he prints it and it looks great.

I upgraded word to the latest 10.1.5, no change.

G4 tower thing with upgraded processor and OS 10.3.2

hints greatly appreciated,

John McGhie [MVP - Word]

Hi John:

This is a long-standing and very irritating bug in the printing subsystem.
It works "sometimes" and not at others.

The core problem is a "layering" issue. The picture is in two layers: the
bitmap you see on the screen, and the vector image that is the one that
prints sharp and clear.

Sometimes Word loses the vector layer, or the printing subsystem can't find
it when Word sends it. Only for some documents and some printers and some
phases of the moon...

What I would suggest is this:

1) Quit Word and drag your Normal template to the desktop.

2) Restart Word and quit it again.

3) Restart Word and create a new blank document. Save it under a new file

4) Open the old document and remove the two bad graphics. Save and close.

5) Re-open the bad document and carefully select everything but the last
paragraph mark in the file. Copy.

5) Paste into the new document. Save.

7) Now copy the two missing graphics in PowerPoint and use Edit>Paste
Special>As Picture to insert them.

That "should" fix it. If it does, come back and I will tell you why: can't
now the train is at my stop :)


This responds to article <[email protected]>,
from "John Hess said:

I don't usually read these newsgroups, but have been looking for the
answer to a problem I noticed the last few days and found these
groups, so ......

I was given a graphic by a collaborator; it is a slide in Powerpoint.

The graphic in Powerpoint prints perfectly on my deskjet or
colorlaserjet. Copied from Powerpoint into a grant document, it
prints fuzzy. Copied from Powerpoint into a new (blank) Word document
it prints sharp and clear. I can take the figure out of the grant and
paste it into a new blank document and it prints sharp and clear.
Somehow, the graphic in the grant is a combination that results in
fuzzy print?

The grant is a 25 page document with 19 figures, a couple have this
problem, the rest print great. I have tried deleting and repasting,
but they print fuzzy. I have been using paste, not paste special, not
insert from file. My Word preferences are the same as the guy I got
the slide from and he prints it and it looks great.

I upgraded word to the latest 10.1.5, no change.

G4 tower thing with upgraded processor and OS 10.3.2

hints greatly appreciated,


Please respond only to the newsgroup to preserve the thread.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

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