The same message appear-I want different each time i open a form



I have created a query that will randomly select a "quote" from a table. I
also made it appear in a startup form.My problem is that whenever I open the
form the same message appears. I want a different message whenever I open the
form. Please help me do this. I know I'm missing just one thing here and I
can't figure it out.
I entered the following SQL in my table:

SELECT TOP 1 [tblQuotes].[Message], Rnd([Auto]) AS Expr1
FROM tblQuotes
ORDER BY Rnd([Auto]);


John W. Vinson

I have created a query that will randomly select a "quote" from a table. I
also made it appear in a startup form.My problem is that whenever I open the
form the same message appears. I want a different message whenever I open the
form. Please help me do this. I know I'm missing just one thing here and I
can't figure it out.
I entered the following SQL in my table:

SELECT TOP 1 [tblQuotes].[Message], Rnd([Auto]) AS Expr1
FROM tblQuotes
ORDER BY Rnd([Auto]);

Put this little function into a Module:

Public Function RndNum(vIgnore As Variant) As Double
Static bRnd As Boolean
If Not bRnd Then
'Initialize the random number generator once only
bRnd = True
End If
RndNum = Rnd()
End Function

Then use RndNum([Auto]) as the argument in the query rather than Rnd(). This
will reinitialize the random number generator each time.


Thanks a lot,this works..Happy Holidays!

John W. Vinson said:
I have created a query that will randomly select a "quote" from a table. I
also made it appear in a startup form.My problem is that whenever I open the
form the same message appears. I want a different message whenever I open the
form. Please help me do this. I know I'm missing just one thing here and I
can't figure it out.
I entered the following SQL in my table:

SELECT TOP 1 [tblQuotes].[Message], Rnd([Auto]) AS Expr1
FROM tblQuotes
ORDER BY Rnd([Auto]);

Put this little function into a Module:

Public Function RndNum(vIgnore As Variant) As Double
Static bRnd As Boolean
If Not bRnd Then
'Initialize the random number generator once only
bRnd = True
End If
RndNum = Rnd()
End Function

Then use RndNum([Auto]) as the argument in the query rather than Rnd(). This
will reinitialize the random number generator each time.

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