The same question about session losting



hi,Alvin Bruney,I'm in hospital these days so I didn't read your reply in the
first time.I searched the thread you reminded

me with key word "session","cookie" and "analysis" in this newgroup but I
couldn't find the right thread--in fact,I had

searched it before I post that question--would you please give me a key word
so I can position it--it's a too hard to find it

one post by one post.


In my ASP web application I have a pivotTable in the page,the pivotTable's
datasource is SQL Analysis server,the connecting

method is throug http.Almost every time when the pivotTable connects to SQL
Analysis server,the ASP sessions will lost as

well as the cookies.I found an article concerning this problem in microsoft
technet,but after I followed the instruction to

update the SQL Analysis server on the last service packs,the symptom is
still there.
your help will be greatful appreciated.

Alvin Bruney [ASP.NET MVP]

Is there any information in the eventviewer? Are there any unhandled
exceptions? Are you up to date on the latest service packs and patches?

Alvin Bruney

Auther Plug
OWC Blackbook now on download at

jtz said:
In my ASP web application I have a pivotTable in the page,the pivotTable's
datasource is SQL Analysis server,the connecting

method is throug http.Almost every time when the pivotTable connects to
Analysis server,the ASP sessions will lost as

well as the cookies.I found an article concerning this problem in
technet,but after I followed the instruction to

update the SQL Analysis server on the last service packs,the symptom is
still there.
your help will be greatful appreciated.

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