The tool tips for some text. Is it possible?



Hello all.
Is there any way to add some tool tip (bubble help or screen tips) to
some text into the Word? I know about the text of the help in the
toolbar Forms, but it is some other. Thank you.

Klaus Linke

avkokin said:
Hello all.
Is there any way to add some tool tip (bubble help or
screen tips) to some text into the Word? I know about
the text of the help in the toolbar Forms, but it is some
other. Thank you.

How about comments? The "tooltip" shows the author's name and the date/time
of insertion (beyond the comment text), which might be a bit annoying...
OTOH, one can easily see which words are worth "exploring" through the

The text of footnotes and endnotes show as screen tips too, if you hover
with the mouse over the word preceeding the footnote/endnote marker, and
hyperlinks show the target (... which could be the bookmark name if that's
the target).

SmartTags should also be a possibility, but I haven't tried them myself yet,
and they likely would need more work than "simple" comments.
They may be worth exploring if you have some list of words/texts that you
want the SmartTag recognizer to look for automatically, possibly in many



How about comments? The "tooltip" shows the author's name and the date/time
of insertion (beyond the comment text), which might be a bit annoying...
OTOH, one can easily see which words are worth "exploring" through the

The text of footnotes and endnotes show as screen tips too, if you hover
with the mouse over the word preceeding the footnote/endnote marker, and
hyperlinks show the target (... which could be the bookmark name if that's
the target).

SmartTags should also be a possibility, but I haven't tried them myself yet,
and they likely would need more work than "simple" comments.
They may be worth exploring if you have some list of words/texts that you
want the SmartTag recognizer to look for automatically, possibly in many


Hello. Thank you for yours advices. The comments, footnotes and
smarttags I not want to use. Greg, I had seen your article "Document
user instructions" and it is that I want, but only using fields for me
is not good. Sorry, I not understood what you meaned said "...or you
could set the text as the displayed text in an Macrobutton field that
fires a macro which displays a UserForm with your tip text. ". Or it
that I wrote above about your article?

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