"The Ultimate Steal" Help



I recently purchased Office 2007 using the "Ultimate Steal". Now, I did a
very stupid, stupid thing... I always forget that instead of my school's
e-mail being "zzzz.edu", it's "mail.zzzz.edu". So while I was able to
download it and pay for it, I can't get a confirmation e-mail because it's
technically not my e-mail. (Although it would be, if I had remembered to put
the "mail." in it, which, I am kicking myself over and over for.)

So I can't get a product key.
Which, according to the help on the Office website, you should find a
product key at FindMyOrder.com. Except, when I sign in and find my order,
there's no product key! It gives the order number, confirmation date, name
and date of purchase and a download box, but that's it! No product key at

Is there anything I can do? Is there maybe a glitch in the FindMyOrder site
that doesn't have product keys show up for "Ultimate Steal" orders? (There's
a big ole' "Ultimate Steal" banner at the top of my invoice, too.) Thanks!


eChuckler said:
I recently purchased Office 2007 using the "Ultimate Steal". Now, I did a
very stupid, stupid thing... I always forget that instead of my school's
e-mail being "zzzz.edu", it's "mail.zzzz.edu". So while I was able to
download it and pay for it, I can't get a confirmation e-mail because it's
technically not my e-mail. (Although it would be, if I had remembered to
the "mail." in it, which, I am kicking myself over and over for.)

So I can't get a product key.
Which, according to the help on the Office website, you should find a
product key at FindMyOrder.com. Except, when I sign in and find my order,
there's no product key! It gives the order number, confirmation date, name
and date of purchase and a download box, but that's it! No product key at

Is there anything I can do? Is there maybe a glitch in the FindMyOrder
that doesn't have product keys show up for "Ultimate Steal" orders?
a big ole' "Ultimate Steal" banner at the top of my invoice, too.) Thanks!

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-- this is a Newsgroup, where users of MS Office assist other users of MS

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Check with your school IT to find what they do with such mail addressed.
They might be willing to help......maybe.

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