The UNDO feature does not work in my Excel 2003 (Word is OK)


Ron P

I am unable to use the UNDO command in Excel as the icon is grayed out. The
only time it is available is when I am keying or editing a cell. This is a
relatively new problem - perhaps since I appled the compatibility pack for
2007 about 1 week ago.

Shane Devenshire


Just to clarify - before you type the undo button is not available, then as
you type it becomes available, and when you press Enter it is no longer

This behavior applies to the Undo Toolbar button, the Edit, Undo command,
and the Ctrl Z shortcut key?

This happens in all files, new blank workbooks, and older files?

The first thing I would check is to make sure you don't have any macros that
could run. Undo is not available after a macro has run, even if the macro
doesn't actually do anything. If this is happening in all workbooks, I would
check to see if you have any 1. Add-ins attached, 2. If there is a Personal
Macro Workbook open.

Ron P

As a clarification, this problem with the Undo command happens whenever I use
Excel - even if it is the first thing I do after booting and no other
applications are running. There are no Macro's attached when I start and no
Add-in's are checked. There is a link to my Adobe PDF maker.

Thanks for your ideas but I am still skunked.

Ron P

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