The unnamed range selection button



There's a box that is used on many of the excel forms that when yo
click it it lets you choose a range of values on the sheet. I'm no
sure of the exact terminology of what kind of button this is so I'v
attached a screen cap.

My question is two parts:
a) what is this mysterious button called, and
b) is there anyway to use it on a custom userform?


|Filename: miscellaneous box.jpg

Jake Marx

Hi Mark,
There's a box that is used on many of the excel forms that when you
click it it lets you choose a range of values on the sheet. I'm not
sure of the exact terminology of what kind of button this is so I've
attached a screen cap.

My question is two parts:
a) what is this mysterious button called, and

That's the RefEdit control.
b) is there anyway to use it on a custom userform?

Yes - it should show up in the controls toolbox when a UserForm is active.


Jake Marx

[please keep replies in the newsgroup - email address unmonitored]


NickHK said:
If you check around, you will probably find many post concerning the
troubles/pitfalls of using this control.
You need to be careful with your coding. e.g.


Starting to notice that. I tried using it last night and it kep
freezing my excel. This morning when I woke up (yes I did dream abou
it) I thought it might have something to do with the fact my userfor
was modeless, that link confirms that. thank

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