The word "Advise"



Why do Microsoft office applications consider the word "Advise" as not proper
grammar when following the word "Please"? If you use the phrase "Please
advise" within a sentence, the program will underline "advise" in green and
offer the word "Advice" as the alternative selection. "Advice" would not fit
the sentence and would not make any sense.

For example: Mr. Boss man, our fellow employee, Helen, is harassing me and
I’m not sure what to do. Please advise.

However, if you use the word "Advise" in a different way within a sentence;
I advise you to do the following... May I advise you on the... the program
accepts it as being properly used.

If the phrase "Please advise" is not proper, why does it only underline the
word "Advise" and not the complete sentence?

Thanks in advance for the reply.

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