Theme Not Applying?



I've got a quick question because I've never had any problems before with

Currently, when I select a theme (doesn't matter which one) the text style
changes (in the preview only, it won't change in the document, but the
background pictures associated with it don't change.)

What am I doing wrong? Is there a setting somewhere that I'm missing to
prevent theme styles from being applied? I saw the disable themes but it
wasn't checked (and I even tried setting and unsetting this mark to fix it).

I also tried a repair in add/remove and it didn't do anything

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Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Eric,

What version of Word are you using? What steps and theme are you using and what are you expecting to happen to the pictures or

In Word 2007 the themes aren't as fully implemented as they are in say Powerpoint 2007, for example.

I've got a quick question because I've never had any problems before with

Currently, when I select a theme (doesn't matter which one) the text style
changes (in the preview only, it won't change in the document, but the
background pictures associated with it don't change.)

What am I doing wrong? Is there a setting somewhere that I'm missing to
prevent theme styles from being applied? I saw the disable themes but it
wasn't checked (and I even tried setting and unsetting this mark to fix it).

I also tried a repair in add/remove and it didn't do anything <<

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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