There are no items appearing in my Sent Items Folder



There are no items appearing in my "Sent Items". when I go to "properties"
for that folder it shows that there are 70,000 items there.

How can I fixe?

Brian Tillman

spiteful1 said:
There are no items appearing in my "Sent Items". when I go to
"properties" for that folder it shows that there are 70,000 items

How can I fixe?

What view are you using? What, if any, filters have you applied?


no filters, regular view(by sent date)
I did notice that in the sent items folder/properties/home page, there is no
address listed. could that be it?

Brian Tillman

spiteful1 said:
no filters, regular view(by sent date)

You haven't stated you Outlook version so, for Outlook 2003, click
View>Arrange By>Current View and tell me what's checked. I think in OL 2002
it's View>Current View.
I did notice that in the sent items folder/properties/home page,
there is no address listed. could that be it?

There should be no home page there.

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