"There are too many spelling or grammatical errors"




I working on a Data Merge, pseudo Mail Merge project.

The source/origin Template documents have data tags, which get serarched for
and replaced with data.

Our merge application will often combine several templates into a single
resulting document and then begin the data merge process.

Is there a way to prevent the "There are too many spelling or grammatical
errors" from occuring?

First attempt, which so far doesn't appear to work, was to toggle
..DisplayAlerts to wdAlertNone but I believe this message has too high
priority to be ignored, because it still comes forward.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated,

- Mike


I'm so glad it worked out for you. Thanks for letting me know.

mike said:

It occurs randomly, but usually just after many templates have been inserted, as the merge begins.

This is terrific, works great, it really helped.

A fringe benefit seems to be a reduction in overhead too. My task has been to performance tune our implementation and I never would have thought to flag the spelling and grammar checking.

Thank you very much,

- Mike

zkid said:
Is this alert occurring AFTER the merge process? Since I can't replicate
your issue, maybe first you can try tricking the doc into thinking the
spelling is okay as follows:

Set the spelling checked property to true. Then, no underlined squiggles
will appear.

ActiveDocument.SpellingChecked = True

You can replace ActiveDocument with the actual doc name before you
"retrieve" it for merging: Documents("[Doc_path_and_name]")

You wll need to experiment where to place this in your code. Let us know
the results, and then we can go from there.

The code for grammar is: ActiveDocument.GrammarChecked = True

mike said:

I working on a Data Merge, pseudo Mail Merge project.

The source/origin Template documents have data tags, which get serarched for
and replaced with data.

Our merge application will often combine several templates into a single
resulting document and then begin the data merge process.

Is there a way to prevent the "There are too many spelling or grammatical
errors" from occuring?

First attempt, which so far doesn't appear to work, was to toggle
..DisplayAlerts to wdAlertNone but I believe this message has too high
priority to be ignored, because it still comes forward.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated,

- Mike

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