There is a problem establishing a connection with the web server



Trying to access the PublicDocuments link on share point server which is
using Microsoft project server(Connecting through the project server web
access) .Actually This took me to the shared Doucments page on our WSS
site. when I click on Shared Documents link it throwing a strange error
"Operation aborted TroubleShoot issues with windows share point services."
Please help me.


Hi ,
Thanks for your quick response.
what do you mean by FQDN?, I am getting one more error related to access to
public documents.
When I am trying to access Public Documents site URL(ex:
http://Servername:Portnumber/sites/MS-ProjectServer_Public Documents) on the
share point using Microsoft Project,I am getting the following error.
"500 Internal Server Error".
Unable to access Public documents.


Sorry, FQDN = Fully Qualified Domain Name.

What's the URL for your project server? Also, when you log into project
server and go to admin, then manage windows sharepoint services, what are the
URLs given there. Also, has the URL you're trying to get to ever worked?


Hi Keoni,
yes, we are using FQDN.
I have found the following URLs on Manage Windows SharePoint Services.

SharePoint Central Administration URL:http://dubrbuitprj101:21702
Create a site Under this SharePoint URL:http://dubrbuitprj101:80/sites
SharePoint Extranet Address: is blank
Below SharePoint Extranet Address I have found one more URL.

many Thanks......

URL for project server is http://pipeline/projectserver/Home/HomePage.asp


Hi Keoni,
yes, both of them are on the same machine.
Could you provide me the exact steps to run proxycfg command.? will it
effect existing application?
once again many thanks for your quick response.


Ok that's odd, you would usually have a .com after it... anyhow, i'm not sure
why you were getting a 501 error... you'd have to post the eventvwr log as
well to troubleshoot that....

as far as running proxycfg... you need to do this in order to get your wss
to fully work properly because you have two different urls... so do the

1. go to the command prompt
2. type in proxycfg
3. copy what the output is and send it back

I'm assuming right now it says something like

Current WinHTTP proxy settings under:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections\
WinHttpSettings :

Proxy Server(s) : https://dubrbuitprj101;http://dubrbuitprj101
Bypass List : <LOCAL>;dubrbuitprj101

Let me know if that's what you get


Hi keoni,
will it affect any thing or will it harm existing share point?


Hi keon,

I have executed the command which you have mentioned.Just it updated Proxy
settings.But still I am facing the same problem.



did you look at your application logs in eventvwr? if not, look at them and
post it up here. also, you can google your error.

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