George Hester
I know this issue will occur with Microsoft Office XP and Microsoft Office 2003 but maybe Microsoft Office 2000 not sure though.
In Windows 2000 there is an application called internat. I know it has a bad looking name but it is really a good file. It is located in C:\WINNT\system32 and is the application which gives you the Language settings icon in the system tray. Go ahead if yours is not there. Start | Run | internat | OK. You will see the language settings icon in the system tray. This file is usually called in the registry in this location:
Installing Office does not affect this. What does affect this is accessing something Microsoft Office puts in our Control Panel. See if you go to the Control panel you will see a Keyboard applet and a Text Services applet. The latter is incuded as part of Microsoft Office. Now as long as you never access that applet your internat will start at boot from the above key; you will see the language settings as an icon in the system tray; and you have the ability to turn it off from the system tray is you so desire using the Keyboard applet.
But if we even once access the Text Services applet in the Control panel then this is the result. We no longer have that option in the Keyboard applet to allow showing the language settings as an icon in the system tray. That option changes entirely. Now we have an entirely different tab in the Keyboard applet called Input Locales but the option I just mentioned is gone. Now we have one button in that tab called Change... That then puts you into the same thing as the Text Services applet. There is no difference. Furthermore we loose the language settings as an icon in the system, tray. Now we are left with an irritating ghost of a tab sitting on the desktop or nothing at all. No icon in the system tray. That is gone for good. We cannot even put it back in in the above Registry key. Try it. The information should be:
Name: internat.exe
Type: REG_SZ
Value: internat.exe
You will find this won't stick and you get an error if you try to do it manually in that location. The error actually is "Nothing found." It happens because even though you say OK after we enter the information regedit already deletes before it even gets in the registry. This is an issue of the Text Services available from Microsoft Office.
It sounds so familiar these things. Install FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions and watch your IIS Manager get corrupted. Access the Text Services applet in the Control Panel and watch your internat get corrupted.
In Windows 2000 there is an application called internat. I know it has a bad looking name but it is really a good file. It is located in C:\WINNT\system32 and is the application which gives you the Language settings icon in the system tray. Go ahead if yours is not there. Start | Run | internat | OK. You will see the language settings icon in the system tray. This file is usually called in the registry in this location:
Installing Office does not affect this. What does affect this is accessing something Microsoft Office puts in our Control Panel. See if you go to the Control panel you will see a Keyboard applet and a Text Services applet. The latter is incuded as part of Microsoft Office. Now as long as you never access that applet your internat will start at boot from the above key; you will see the language settings as an icon in the system tray; and you have the ability to turn it off from the system tray is you so desire using the Keyboard applet.
But if we even once access the Text Services applet in the Control panel then this is the result. We no longer have that option in the Keyboard applet to allow showing the language settings as an icon in the system tray. That option changes entirely. Now we have an entirely different tab in the Keyboard applet called Input Locales but the option I just mentioned is gone. Now we have one button in that tab called Change... That then puts you into the same thing as the Text Services applet. There is no difference. Furthermore we loose the language settings as an icon in the system, tray. Now we are left with an irritating ghost of a tab sitting on the desktop or nothing at all. No icon in the system tray. That is gone for good. We cannot even put it back in in the above Registry key. Try it. The information should be:
Name: internat.exe
Type: REG_SZ
Value: internat.exe
You will find this won't stick and you get an error if you try to do it manually in that location. The error actually is "Nothing found." It happens because even though you say OK after we enter the information regedit already deletes before it even gets in the registry. This is an issue of the Text Services available from Microsoft Office.
It sounds so familiar these things. Install FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions and watch your IIS Manager get corrupted. Access the Text Services applet in the Control Panel and watch your internat get corrupted.