That indicates that either the converter is not correctly installed, or that
the document you are trying to convert is corrupt.
If it happens for all documents, that suggests that the converter is not
correctly installed.
There can be a conflict with the Trial version of Office 2004.
Probably the quickest way to resolve the issue is to use the Remove Office
tool to remove all versions of Office 2004, then re-install, and re-update
the paid version.
The remove Office tool is in the Office 2004 Application folder. When you
run it, make sure only ONE volume with Office 2004 is connected to the
computer: it can get very confused if it can see more than one.
Then, shut down the machine and wait for the power to go off, then re-start.
Now, BEFORE re-connecting any drives such as Time Machine, install Office
2004. Apply all the latest updates, then install the converter.
Restart the machine again, and all should be well from there. This will not
affect any documents or email you have created, but make sure you apply the
updates before you run any of the newly-re-installed programs.
Hope this helps
I am running Word 2004, version 11.5.6 for Mac
This email is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum
matters unless you intend to pay!