There sould be a way to password protect Outlook.


Shrek 70

I feel that there should be a way so that anyone can put a password on there
outlook e-mail so that no one else can access there e-mail if they leave
there work station or desk and do not log off. If anyone knows of a way to do
this please let me know. (e-mail address removed) or (e-mail address removed)

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Why not just set their computers to go to screen saver in a certain period of
time (2 minutes or 5 minutes), and click "On resume, password protect". That
will protect their entire computer, not just Outlook - a better solution IMO!

(Right click on the desktop and select "Properties", then "Screen Saver").


This is an excellent idea; if you also want to password protect Outlook, you
have two options - you can password protect the PST file; I'm using 2007,
and the option for this has moved, but if you go to Control Panel, Mail, you
should be able to find your PST file under your profile and add a password
there. The second thing you can do is *not* have Outlook memorize your
email password - that way even if someone got into your PST file they would
not be able to send or receive new emails.

Hope this helps.


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