Thesaurus disappeared - HELP!



I rely heavily on the thesaurus and that right--click is second nature to me.
However, since I switched on this morning it has mysteriously disappeared.
When I right click now, and click on "synonyms" all I get is the words no
suggestions, in grey.

I am using word 2002. What did I inadvertently do last night to switch it
off? can i switch it back on?

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?SGVsZW5h?=,
I rely heavily on the thesaurus and that right--click is second nature to me.
However, since I switched on this morning it has mysteriously disappeared.
When I right click now, and click on "synonyms" all I get is the words no
suggestions, in grey.

I am using word 2002. What did I inadvertently do last night to switch it
off? can i switch it back on?
Have you checked whether the text is formatted in English, or some other

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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