thesaurus not showing up!



why won't the thesaurus "meanings + synonyms" show up in microsoft word reference tools?

have a mac and leopard, OS X.5.1. microsoft word is version 2004, 11.3.8.

in the thesaurus section (which i use a lot and am really missing), the words are there, because when i click them the definition shows up, yet i can't see the words! it's as if each meaning and synonym is written in white...

any help, please?

thank you!!

Daiya Mitchell

Sorry. There have been many reports of this and MS is aware of it, but
so far no fix that anyone knows of.


I'm having the same problem. I find that if I click the thesaurus bar to close it, then open it again, the synonyms appear. But I have to do this EACH time I look up a new word.

Wolfram Steinbeck

Me too! The problem after installing OS X 10.5.1 is thesaurus won't show anything.
How can help please!

In House Productions L.L.C. Eli / Director

I'm running a G4 mac, I just bought Office 2004 when bought the upgraded to Mac OSX 10.5 from the Mac Store 1/15/2008. My friend has the same Office version installed on his G5 with no issues. YOU GUYS NEED TO GET YOUR ISSUES CORRECTED OR OFFER AN UPGRADE TO THOSE HAVING ISSUES TO THE NEW OFFICE VERSION. It's not fair making people pay for something that doesn't work correctly. I need the thesaurus for the type of writing I do. It's the reason I chose the Office bundle... Please have some respect for the people who pay you their hard earned dollars and get the issue corrected or offer refunds or upgrades ASAP.

(e-mail address removed) - Please Respond!

Daiya Mitchell

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I found this temporary fix on another forum - it does work. :
Re: thesaurus results go missin
This is a display issue in Leopard, the only thing so far that works for me
is clicking on the little arrow (triangle) in front of the Thesaurus
collapse the window and then expand, the results will appear and when they
dissapear again click the little arrow again.

The - Thesaurus Magic Trick message - Nov 5 - in this news group shows more

in message

Since installing Leopard, my thesaurus results in Word 2004 are invisible.
I can bring them back by minimizing and reopening the thesaurus window.
Help! This is enormously frustrating.

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