thesaurus results go missing



Since installing Leopard, my thesaurus results in Word 2004 are
invisible. I can bring them back by minimizing and reopening the
thesaurus window. Help! This is enormously frustrating.


This is a display issue in Leopard, the only thing so far that works for me
is clicking on the little arrow (triangle) in front of the Thesaurus
collapse the window and then expand, the results will appear and when they
dissapear again click the little arrow again.

The - Thesaurus Magic Trick message - Nov 5 - in this news group shows more


This is a display issue in Leopard, the only thing so far that works for me
is clicking on the little arrow (triangle) in front of the Thesaurus
collapse the window and then expand, the results will appear and when they
dissapear again click the little arrow again.

The - Thesaurus Magic Trick message - Nov 5 - in this news group shows more

Thanks. This is only a partial solution, since you can't select and
see any options beyond the first word in the list. I hope a fix is in
the works.

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