Thin Borders



Hi I have this code working perfectly (thanks to a lot of help from people on
here) I have it so thick borders go around each question 1, 2 and 3 but I
need thin ones to go in between the sub questions e.g 3a, 3b, 3c - can anyone

Here is the code.

Sub Questionaire()

Dim Msg1, Msg2, Msg3, Msg4, Msg5
Msg1 = "Question 1. Do you store any potentially sensitive information(e.g
customer details, account balance information or any memorable data relating
to any customers) on a portable device?"
Msg2 = "Question 2. Do you have any commercial need to store information on
your C-drive?"
Msg3 = "Question 3. Have you ever known of an incident in your area where a
portable device has been lost or stolen?"
Msg4 = "Question 3c. Could this information have been detrimental to
Business Operations or Customers if it fell into the wrong hands?"

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

storeSI = MsgBox(Msg1, vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
If storeSI = vbYes Then
Range("D2") = Msg1
Range("E2") = "Yes"
Range("D2:E4").BorderAround ColorIndex:=xlAutomatic, Weight:=xlMedium
sortSI = InputBox("Question 1b. What sort of information is held?")
Range("D3") = "Question 1b. What sort of information is held?"
Range("E3") = sortSI
Range("E3").Font.ColorIndex = 5
portDev = InputBox("Question 1c. Please state whether the information
is held on a PDA or laptop")
Range("D4") = "Question 1c. Please state whether the information is
held on a PDA or laptop"
Range("E4") = portDev
Range("E4").Font.ColorIndex = 5
Range("D2") = Msg1
Range("E2") = "No"
Range("D2:E2").BorderAround ColorIndex:=xlAutomatic, Weight:=xlMedium
End If
storeCdrv = MsgBox(Msg2, vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
If storeCdrv = vbYes Then
Range("D6") = Msg2
Range("E6") = "Yes"
Range("E7") = storeCdrv
Range("D6:E7").BorderAround ColorIndex:=xlAutomatic, Weight:=xlMedium
HrdDrv = InputBox("Question 2a. Please state what the commercial need
Range("D7") = "Question 2a. Please state what the commercial need is"
Range("E7") = HrdDrv
Range("E7").Font.ColorIndex = 5
Range("D6") = Msg2
Range("E6") = "No"
Range("D6:E6").BorderAround ColorIndex:=xlAutomatic, Weight:=xlMedium
End If
portThft = MsgBox(Msg3, vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
If portThft = vbYes Then
Range("D9") = Msg3
Range("E9") = "Yes"
Range("E9").Font.ColorIndex = 5
heldC = MsgBox("Question 3a. Was there any information held on the
C-drive at the time?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
Range("D9") = Msg3
Range("E9") = "No"
Range("E9").Font.ColorIndex = 5
Range("D9:E9").BorderAround ColorIndex:=xlAutomatic, Weight:=xlMedium
End If
If heldC = vbYes Then
Range("D10") = "Question 3a. Was there any information held on the
C-drive at the time?"
Range("E10") = "Yes"
Range("E10").Font.ColorIndex = 5
Range("D9") = Msg3
Range("E9") = "Yes"
Range("D10") = "Question 3a. Was there any information held on the
C-drive at the time?"
Range("E10") = "No"
Range("E9").Font.ColorIndex = 5
Range("E10").Font.ColorIndex = 5
Range("D9:E10").BorderAround ColorIndex:=xlAutomatic, Weight:=xlMedium
End If
If heldC = vbYes Then
whatC = InputBox("Question 3b. What information was held on the
Range("D11") = "Question 3b. What information was held on the C-drive?"
Range("E11") = whatC
Range("E11").Font.ColorIndex = 5
detri = MsgBox(Msg4, vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
If detri = vbYes Then
Range("D12") = Msg4
Range("E12") = "Yes"
Range("E12").Font.ColorIndex = 5
WhyDetri = InputBox("Question 3d. Why?")
Range("D13") = "Question 3d. Why?"
Range("E13") = WhyDetri
Range("E13").Font.ColorIndex = 5
Range("D9:E13").BorderAround ColorIndex:=xlAutomatic, Weight:=xlMedium
Range("D12") = Msg4
Range("E12") = "No"
Range("E12").Font.ColorIndex = 5
Range("D9:E12").BorderAround ColorIndex:=xlAutomatic, Weight:=xlMedium
End If
End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub


I know this much its more the bit to make the lines inside the thick borders
go thin - I am a little unsure of the code to use - its gonna be a thick one
outside all of them (which I have done) and then inside it thin borders
splitting the sub questions up.


Peter T

Sub test()
DoBorders Range("B3:C8")
End Sub

Function DoBorders(rng As Range)
On Error Resume Next
With rng.Borders
For i = 7 To 12
With .Item(i)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = IIf(i < 11, xlThick, xlThin)
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
End With

End Function

If only one column xlInsideVertical (11), or only one row xlInsideHorizontal
(12) would fail without the error handling

Peter T

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