Think Tank; I Need Your Help!



I have tried and tried and still can't come up with a way to solve m
problem... I was wondering if someone could help:

I am in a dart league and each team tracks their own scores in
spreadsheet. All of the spreadsheets are the same and are linked to
master spreadsheet which reports the total month scores for each team
However I need to figure out a way to sort or display the dail
winners. Here is an example:

Team One's Spread Sheet, There are about twelve teams total (each wit
thier own spreadsheet as well)

Date Game Time Wager Total
1/4/05 1:08 PM $100,000 22
1/4/05 1:17 PM $100,000 26
1/4/05 1:26 PM $500,000 31
1/4/05 2:22 PM $300,000 20
1/4/05 2:33 PM $100,000 24
1/10/05 1:50 PM $500,000 22
1/10/05 2:18 PM $100,000 22
1/10/05 2:26 PM $100,000 26
1/10/05 3:00 PM $500,000 31
1/15/05 1:28 PM $300,000 20
1/15/05 1:36 PM $100,000 24
1/15/05 1:45 PM $500,000 22

I need to take from each of the teams' spread sheets and calculate th
daily totals (for wager and totals).

Is there a way for me to lookup by the date and then display the wage
and totals that corispond to that date.

I don't know... I am out of ideas... please help

Jim Thomlinson

A pivot table should work for you. Select the data range then select Data ->
Pivot Table. Follow the wizard (the defaults should be fine). Place the date
at the top and put the times (team names are conspicuiously absent from your
data) in the left column. Drag the wager and total to the center and that
should be a start. You can change the drop downs to show totals by date.


I will put in the team names which should help with your suggestion...

But the poblem is I need to display the totals of both the "wages"
colomn and the "totals" colomn for the date that I am displaying with
the pivot table... the hard thing is that each team doesn't play the
same amount of games.

Any suggestions there?

Jim Thomlinson

Both of those fields should be included in the Middle section of the pivot.
If they are displaying one over top of the other instead of in seperate
columns just drag the Grey data box and drop it at the top row of the table
(right now it is probably in the left column instead of top row). Pivots are
great because you can just drag tings around until they look the way you
want. That should fix your column total problem.

I do not understand the second part of your problem with the teams playing
different numbers of games. But it is important to note that out of that one
set of source data you could have multiple pivot tables. Create a second
table and put the team at the top and the dates in the left column. Now you
have a completely different report from one set of data. You can even group
your dates by month (right click the dates and select group), and sum your
amounts by month.

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