"This action could not be completed. Mail Error." Can you help?



Version: Entourage X for Macintosh Service Release 1, v. 10.1.0
Suddenly, a month ago, this all started to happen:
Upon opening Entourage, error msg above.
Symptoms: All commands/actions can only be performed through top menu bar.
Have to dbl click on new messages to view them - they no longer appear in
the main window as I single click on them. They only go non-bold when I reply
to that msg. Can't move them into folders as I always have done by
click/drag. Must find each address (to create new email) in address book - no
longer gives options to complete the address I started in the To: box...
I'll bet this is a quick fix, as it seems like I may have inadvertently hit
a function key or something, but can't for the life of me figure it out!!!

Mickey Stevens

Download and install the latest Office X update, which is 10.1.9. It's
available from Microsoft.

Then, try rebuilding the database. In Entourage X, first go to Entourage >
Turn Off Office Notifications. Now, quit Entourage, and then restart
Entourage holding down the Option key. When the Rebuild dialog box comes
up, choose to do a Typical Rebuild. If that does not fix the problem,
repeat the procedure, instead opting to do the Advanced Rebuild.


Hi Mickey,

Thank you so much for getting back to me!!!! I don't know how I got through
to you but I'm very grateful for your reply.

I have a few questions about this before I rebuild:
1. When I rebuild the database, will I lose all my emails and notes that are
currently in Entourage? I really want to keep them.
2. Can you tell me how to back those up? I have an external HD and was told
to drag the ŒMicrosoft User Data¹ file on it to save all my Entourage
emails/files, but when I look in that folder, I do not see my files in
there. I store a lot of things as notes and do not want to lose them.
3. I downloaded the update and now it is sitting on my desktop as a .dmg.
Where do I need to store it?
Thank you ever so much!!! Blessings, Lisa J.
Please send reply to my email because I¹m having a heck of a time retrieving
anything from the news server.
(e-mail address removed)

Mickey Stevens

Hi Mickey,

Thank you so much for getting back to me!!!! I don't know how I got through to
you but I'm very grateful for your reply.

I have a few questions about this before I rebuild:
1. When I rebuild the database, will I lose all my emails and notes that are
currently in Entourage? I really want to keep them.

No. Rebuilding the database should preserve all of the data you've saved in
your Entourage database.
2. Can you tell me how to back those up? I have an external HD and was told to
drag the ŒMicrosoft User Data¹ file on it to save all my Entourage
emails/files, but when I look in that folder, I do not see my files in there.
I store a lot of things as notes and do not want to lose them.

Rebuilding the database should automatically create a backup, but backing up
your database regularly is a good practice nonetheless. You can back up all
of your Entourage data by copying this folder to another drive:
/Users/<Your User>/Documents/Microsoft User Data/

If you go in that folder and navigate to /Office 2008 Identities/<Your
Identity>/, you will find a single large file called "Database" that
contains virtually all of your Entourage data. Items in the database are
not stored as separate files in the Finder.
3. I downloaded the update and now it is sitting on my desktop as a .dmg.
Where do I need to store it?

Open the DMG by double clicking it (or clicking it and going to File > Open
With > DiskImageMounter), On your machine, a drive should appear called
Office X 10.1.9 Update. Double-click it to open it, and then double-click
the update to launch the installer.
Thank you ever so much!!! Blessings, Lisa J.
Please send reply to my email because I¹m having a heck of a time retrieving
anything from the news server.
(e-mail address removed)

Note that you can also access these groups on the web from
<http://www.officeformac.com/> if you are having trouble with the news

Hope this helps. Post back if you have any more questions.

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