This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be e



I know this has been addressed before, but I receive this message when I try
and open a form/subform combination from 2 separate tables. There are NO
created expressions or calculations involved: I am planning to set those up
in the form, if I can ever get it open! It is strictly entered data. I have
declared the fields in the tables explicitly (primarly as currency, formatted
to currency) to no avail.

Any help would be appreciated,

Ken Snell [MVP]

Sounds as if there is a problem with the query that is the recordsource for
the subform.

You'll need to tell us about the query and such.


Not using a query, just a table. Tried a query, made no difference. The
first table is solely a list of dates, called payment date. The second is
info related to payments made on that date: client name, amount paid, what
they payed for (store, private lesson, group lesson, board) how they paid
(cash, cheque, credit) . This are all purely data-entry fields at present.
I would like to have summary fields to sum total payments for each field,
etc. within the form. The form is a mainform date) and subform (payment date
data) combination.

The subform will "open in a new window" and is fully funcitonal, the main
form will open but the data in the subform is not visible....I receive the
error message above.

Hope this makes sense to doesn't to me!
Thanks for your help,

Ken Snell [MVP]

What are you using as the LinkMasterFields and LinkChildFields properties
for the subform control?

You don't give us much info about the form and subform setups, so I'm
reaching here.

Try opening the form that you're using as the subform as its own form (from
database window). Does it open without error?

Try deleting the subform control from the form, and then open the main form.
Does it open without error?


Ken Snell


Sorry, didn't mean to make your life difficult. new to Access (obviously)
and din't think of it.

-yes, I can open the subform separately and it works
-the linkmasterfields is date and the linkchildfields is name-->for every
date there should be several names. What might be part of the problem is that
there can also be more than one date for a name, if a person paid on more
than one date. Could that be it?
-I don't know what you mean by the "subform control". I can delete the
subform, or delete the controlsource such that the subform is unbound, and
yes the main form will open and show the date correctly.
-I tried deleting some fields, only showing others but that made no
-There is a defined relationship between the date on the payment date table
(mainform) and the name on the payment info table (subform).
-additions,edits and deletions are allowed to the subform but not data entry
-recordset type is dynaset
-no locks

If there is anything else you need to know, tell me.
Thanks again for your help,

Ken Snell [MVP]

I'm a bit confused by your data structure. But first, some advice regarding
the use of Date as the name of fields and controls. It and many other words
are reserved words in ACCESS, and can create serious confusion for ACCESS
and Jet. See these Knowledge Base articles for more information:

List of reserved words in Access 2002 and Access 2003;en-us;286335

List of Microsoft Jet 4.0 reserved words

Special characters that you must avoid when you work with Access

Now, from what you're saying, you have a relationship between a date field
in your parent table, and a name field in a child table? I do not understand
this setup at all. How can a date and a name be related, assuming that
you're using the fields to store data that represent what the fields are

From what you're describing about being able to open the subform as its own
form, and being able to open the main form without the subform in it, I
surmise that the problem is the linkage that you've established in the
LinkMasterFields (the field or fields in the main form that relate to the
child table) and LinkChildFields (the field or fields in the child subform
that relate back to the main form); these links are the "joins" between the
main form and the subform so that the subform will display only the data
that are related to what is displayed in the main form.

I need you to tell me more details about
-- the tables that contain the data that you're displaying in the main
-- the tables that contain the data that you're displaying in the
-- the main form's Recordsource (if it's a query, post the SQL statement
of the query); and
-- the subform's Recordsource (if it's a query, post the SQL statement
of the query).


You were right; I had incorrectly defined my relationships. It works now!
And I can update/enter data into the fields.

Thank you very much for your time,

P.S. This didn't fix the other problem; if you don't mind I'll send the info
you wanted there

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