This is a repeat question about ranges


L. T. Portella

For some time now I have been trying to find out how to:

1. copy a range named say, RangeA1J1 in say cell a2to J2.

I have been given several answers and I am sure some of them are ok but I
just simply can't get it to work.

Earl Kiosterud

L. T.,

You have this same question in another group, .misc. No one reading this
post will know that the answers you've been given are not what you want.
You should follow up those answers, and folks will try to help.

I've looked at the other post, and the answers, and I don't know what it is
that you need. Also, you should give it a few hours, as it takes time for
posts and replies to get to the news servers; they don't appear immediately.

Rich Palarea

As Earl noted in this thread, it would be helpful to know about the other
post...if you have answers there, follow that thread.

On first glance, it sounds like you need to enter your formula as an array,
if you have not done that already. If you have a formula that works (i.e.:
it works on one of the cells), enter it using CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER and Excel
should put curly braces { } around the formula. This is necessary when
performing calculations using ranges.



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