This object was created in HTMLLnlineSoundCtl



I get this message everytime I click on the sound icon in MS WORD 2002 XP
PRO. What does this mean and how do I correct this. I have uninstalled
office and reinstalled but continue to get this message. I am trying to
create my website with word instead of Frontpage because of the extension
issues. Thanks for ur help.


Suzanne, thanks for your quick reply. I followed your instructions, but it
just lists the problem but not the solution. Should I uninstall SP2 so that
my software can work? How do I uninstall all of SP2? Thanks a bunch.

Rosa Button

Suzanne, thanks for your quick response. It was helpful to know why the
problem, but I don't get an answer on how to fix the problem. Should I
remove SP2?


And uninstalling Windows XP SP2 is not advised.

Terry Farrell

: Suzanne, thanks for your quick response. It was helpful to know why the
: problem, but I don't get an answer on how to fix the problem. Should I
: remove SP2?
: "Suzanne S. Barnhill" wrote:
: > See “Application is not available†error messages when you try to
: > some Web Tools in Word 2002 and Word 2003
: >
: >
: > --
: > Suzanne S. Barnhill
: > Microsoft MVP (Word)
: > Words into Type
: > Fairhope, Alabama USA
: > Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
newsgroup so
: > all may benefit.
: >
: > : > > I get this message everytime I click on the sound icon in MS WORD 2002
: > > PRO. What does this mean and how do I correct this. I have
: > > office and reinstalled but continue to get this message. I am trying
: > > create my website with word instead of Frontpage because of the
: > > issues. Thanks for ur help.
: >
: >

Rosa Button

Why is it not recommended? I checked and I can remove it. I don't
understand what is the point of SP2 if it disables our programs. Thanks for
your help.

Rosa Button

Then I really have no choice but to remove SP2? I really find using Word as
my Web editor better then frontpage because of the extensions. I have
Frontpage 2002 and it is as simple as Word, but if I want to add flash, web
albums, video clips, and other techniques, I believe that frontpage makes it
difficult for me to mix with other programs. I do have a website that
accepts frontpage extensions, but I don't believe I can use FP plus other
programs to do the things I stated previously. Anyone able to give me any
advice? Thanks a bunch.



SP2 provides a whole range of security protection: one of the main reasons
that the sound option was removed is because it is a security risk. Removing
SP2 leaves hundreds of vulnerabilities that are now documented and public
domain. It will also stop the Windows Update site from working - and very
soon when Microsoft Update site goes live (a merger of the Windows and
Office Update sites), you won't be able to get Office updates either (note
that Office 2003 SP2 is due soon which again is primarily aimed at closing
security vulnerabilities). So there is every reason not to remove Windows XP

Really what you are suggesting is something similar to a garage fitting free
safety belts to your car for you and the passengers' safety but because you
cannot hang up your coat because the seat belt is in the way, you want all
the seat belts removed. Does that make sense?


: Why is it not recommended? I checked and I can remove it. I don't
: understand what is the point of SP2 if it disables our programs. Thanks
: your help.
: "TF" wrote:
: > And uninstalling Windows XP SP2 is not advised.
: >
: > Terry Farrell
: >
: > : > : Suzanne, thanks for your quick response. It was helpful to know why
: > : problem, but I don't get an answer on how to fix the problem. Should
: > : remove SP2?
: > :
: > : "Suzanne S. Barnhill" wrote:
: > :
: > : > See “Application is not available†error messages when
you try to
: > insert
: > : > some Web Tools in Word 2002 and Word 2003
: > : >
: > : >
: > : > --
: > : > Suzanne S. Barnhill
: > : > Microsoft MVP (Word)
: > : > Words into Type
: > : > Fairhope, Alabama USA
: > :
: > : > Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
: > newsgroup so
: > : > all may benefit.
: > : >
: > : > : > : > > I get this message everytime I click on the sound icon in MS WORD
: > XP
: > : > > PRO. What does this mean and how do I correct this. I have
: > uninstalled
: > : > > office and reinstalled but continue to get this message. I am
: > to
: > : > > create my website with word instead of Frontpage because of the
: > extension
: > : > > issues. Thanks for ur help.
: > : >
: > : >
: >
: >
: >

Rosa Button

Thanks Terry for the explanation. I will just have to use FP or learn to use
the Macromedia Programs which I have. I am curious as to why the removal of
inserting sound has been disabled from Word and not FP? Wouldn't it also
fall under the same security risk? I have microsoft offic xp pro. I don't
understand what you meant by," and very soon when Microsoft Update site goes
live (a merger of the Windows and Office Update sites), you won't be able to
get Office updates either (note that Office 2003 SP2 is due soon which again
is primarily aimed at closing security vulnerabilities). So there is every
reason not to remove Windows XP SP2." Can you explain that to me? Thanks
for your help and for the complete info.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Rosa,

Removing Windows XP SP2 would only affect your
computer. Other folks using the files who had that
update would also find the Word specific features

I'm not sure I'm following you on not using MS Frontpage.
There are certain features that rely on a a web host to
provide Frontpage extensions, but you can also produce
simpler HTML in Frontpage than in Word and can add
things like background sounds to a webpage that a
browser supports that don't use the Office Inline control.

Word has no support for flash, for example. You may
want to post in the FrontPage newsgroup (link below)
and include the version of Frontpage you're using,
a link to your website and information on what you'd
like to be able to offer/include on that page.

Then I really have no choice but to remove SP2? I really find using Word as
my Web editor better then frontpage because of the extensions. I have
Frontpage 2002 and it is as simple as Word, but if I want to add flash, web
albums, video clips, and other techniques, I believe that frontpage makes it
difficult for me to mix with other programs. I do have a website that
accepts frontpage extensions, but I don't believe I can use FP plus other
programs to do the things I stated previously. Anyone able to give me any
advice? Thanks a bunch. >>
LLet us know if this has helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP
*courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends8

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