This signature is not from a trusted publisher



I have a form which has 3 views.
View 1: working fine; on submission switches to view 2
View 2: working fine; on submission switches to view 3
View 3: Error on submission - "Infopath cannot load this form. The signature
on this form is not from a trusted publisher"

Please guide.


Lance M

How did you set up the security on the form? Is it fully trusted? Are
there any differences for the third view? More information would be

Lance M.


The form is fully trusted. No, there are no issues on the 3rd view.
This is happening only on a single machine.


Lance M

You could check the certificates that were used for the form and what
certificates are installed on that machine. From what you describe I
would say that it is a machine specific problem...

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

Yes. You can install "Certificate Services", which is just a Windows Server
2003 component to make your server a root CA that can issue certificates. If
you are using certificates for your internal network, this should suffice.
However, if you want to use certificates outside of your network domain, you
will need an external certificate provider, otherwise verification of trust
for certificates will fail.

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