Those blo**y Formulas



HI All - I have creatsed a list of creditors in column a that vary from
a-z. i have got 3 or 4 diffrent suppliers for each letter and and each
supplier is totaled.
Iwould like a formula that sum up only the total of each individual
supplier. Is this possibile.???

Help greatly appreciated


sumif! if your suppliers are in say A1:a50,and your numbers are in b1:b50.I
dont know how you would refer to your suppliers to extract their data but
say you type their name in cell c1,=sumif(A1:A50,indirect('"C1"),B1:B50)The
only caveat here is your typing in cell c1 must be EXACTLY the same as the
supplier name in the list
I used a drop down list to choose my supplier name,using the actual
suppliers list(a1:a50)-
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