thousands of pages added automatically


Greg Skulmoski

Hi, I have a 190 pg (double spaced) Word 2000 document
that I am having problems with.

In certain spots in the document when I add, delete or
modify, Word automatically adds thousands of pages. On the
status bar at the bottom ("number/number"), the counter
begins adding pages. I have manually stopped this after it
has ballooned to 12,000 pages.

What is wrong with my document? and How can I fix it?

Things I have done:
1. renamed the document
2. copied and paste special (unformatted)
3. copied all but the troublesome paragraphs
4. applied the format painter from "good" paragraphs
to "bad" paragraphs,
5. checked for viruses
6. re-booted
7. tried working with the file on different computers
8. etc.

Thank you for any advice.


Jay Freedman

Hi Greg,

The symptom indicates that there is corruption somewhere in the
document, and the steps you've already taken are appropriate. In Word
2000 and above, though, there's a method that's more often effective
( Save the
document as a web page and then reload the html back into Word.

Stephen Ling-Winston

Hi Greg,

I am also having this problem ... my document is 108 pages
long, yet my document keeps repagnating and counting up
the pages. I cannot stop this unlike you.

It does not happen a few versions back and all I have done
is add pictures and captions.

I hope there is something we can do to resolve this

Regards Stephen

Stephen Ling-Winston

Hi Jay,

Can you suggest any action for a Word 97 document that
does the same ? I loaded my word document on another
machine (XP) running a newer version of Word and the same
thing happened (more quickly) ... pages kept appearing.

Regards Stephen

Nick Murray


I've had this problem with Word "adding pages", and traced the problem to a
Enhanced Meta File graphic that was inserted on the first page.

If you can, try removing any large graphics from the document.

A graphic does not have to be physically large on the screen to be 'large',
it could be a highly-compressed PNG, BMP or JPG that Word somehow expands.

Hope this helps.


Stephen Ling-Winston

Yes it could be one of the graphics files, I have about 50
graphics files in this document ... all the graphics
pictures are required, and I could spend a long time
trying to guess which one ... maybe this is my only option.

Thanks for responding.

Regards Stephen

Stephen Ling-Winston

I found deleting image by image did not resolve the
problem. Copying the contents to another file solved the
problem ... maybe some corruption of a few bytes inside
the problematic file could not be resolved by word.


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