Greg Skulmoski
Hi, I have a 190 pg (double spaced) Word 2000 document
that I am having problems with.
In certain spots in the document when I add, delete or
modify, Word automatically adds thousands of pages. On the
status bar at the bottom ("number/number"), the counter
begins adding pages. I have manually stopped this after it
has ballooned to 12,000 pages.
What is wrong with my document? and How can I fix it?
Things I have done:
1. renamed the document
2. copied and paste special (unformatted)
3. copied all but the troublesome paragraphs
4. applied the format painter from "good" paragraphs
to "bad" paragraphs,
5. checked for viruses
6. re-booted
7. tried working with the file on different computers
8. etc.
Thank you for any advice.
that I am having problems with.
In certain spots in the document when I add, delete or
modify, Word automatically adds thousands of pages. On the
status bar at the bottom ("number/number"), the counter
begins adding pages. I have manually stopped this after it
has ballooned to 12,000 pages.
What is wrong with my document? and How can I fix it?
Things I have done:
1. renamed the document
2. copied and paste special (unformatted)
3. copied all but the troublesome paragraphs
4. applied the format painter from "good" paragraphs
to "bad" paragraphs,
5. checked for viruses
6. re-booted
7. tried working with the file on different computers
8. etc.
Thank you for any advice.