Threading by Reference



I recently purchased Entourage 2004 hoping it would support threading by reference for reading newsgroups (instead of sorting by subject, which creates a new group if the subject is slightly changed - not good for me). Anyone know if I'm missing something here, or is this still impossible?

Dave Cortright

I recently purchased Entourage 2004 hoping it would support threading by
reference for reading newsgroups (instead of sorting by subject, which creates
a new group if the subject is slightly changed - not good for me). Anyone know
if I'm missing something here, or is this still impossible?



I don't even see the View -> Thread menu option anymore. Did they move it?
What would possess them to completely remove this feature? Maybe I should
switch back to Entourage X! ARGH! I'd use a different newsgroup viewer, but
the newsgroups I subscribe to (University of Phoenix - Online classes)
require the Microsoft password authentication, which apparent no other
newsgroup readers (aside from Entourage and OE) support! If I didn't have a
PC, I'd be screwed!


I don't want to arrange by Subject! I want to arrange by thread! Entourage X
supported this by switching to the Thread view (if I recall correctly,
View->Threaded worked like I want it to). Entourage 2004 does not! What's
going on here? OE supports this, Outlook supports this...every other
newsread on the planet supports this! This is not a complicated thing! I'm
very frustrated by this less-than-stellar release...

People like you and I, though mortal of course like everyone else, do not
grow old no matter how long we live...[We] never cease to stand like curious
children before the great mystery into which we were born.
--Albert Einstein in a letter to Otto Juliusburger
Barry Wainwright said:
I don't even see the View -> Thread menu option anymore.

View menu, 'Arrange by' > [many more options than previously]
Did they move it?

Only slightly...
What would possess them to completely remove this feature?

They didn't remove it, they improved it.

Barry Wainwright
Microsoft MVP (see for details)
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William Smith

Re: Threading by ReferenceIf somebody changes the subject of a newsgroup
thread, then entourage will display it as an entirely new thread. I want it
to be threaded by reference, no by subject. This is NOT a solution for me.
For example, lets say somebody starts a thread named "I'm a monkey". When
people respond to it, as long as they don't change the subject, it will
appear in the same group in Entourage. Now if somebody replies to it and
changes the subject to "I'm a monkey too!", then Entourage will see this as a
new group (when using your suggestion below) and display as such, whereas OE
and Outlook know that this is part of the "I'm a monkey" thread and display
it in the same group. As I understand it, this is called Threading by
Reference (as opposed to subject).

To the best of my knowledge Entourage never properly threaded in the
first place. What you're referring to would require that Entourage use
the message IDs and not the subject, but I don't believe that Entourage
could ever threaded by message ID. (I'm not an Entourage MVP, so I could
be wrong. Someone will come along and correct me.)

FWIW, I'd like to see proper threading by message ID. I'm not a fan of
grouping although it's an improvement over the old threading. Now is the
time to make your request heard for future upgrades. The major release
of a product can also mean that the next version's development cycle is
just now starting. You're most likely to get your wish incorporated
while the feature list is getting written. Submit your feedback using
Entourage's Help menu.

Hope this helps! bill

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