Threads and message export.

  • Thread starter Joseph Chamberlain, DDS
  • Start date

Joseph Chamberlain, DDS

Dear members:

This is my first question to the group so please forgive me if these
questions and/or subjects have already been discussed here.

I am currently running Microsoft Office 2004 and use Entourage as my e-mail
client as well as PIM. There are two functions I have grown accustomed to
and that I can't seem to be able to use with Entourage.

The first one is Entourage X's ability to have messages grouped by thread.
The newer version of Entourage doesn't offer this capability. I have created
a new view but it is still not the same as before. The header for the
messages is also larger instead of being the first message in the thread
which helps save desktop real state when viewing the different threads. Is
it possible to change the view so that messages can be seen by threads in
much the same way that threads are displayed under Entourage X ? Can
messages be displayed in a more "compact" way so as to reduce the amount of
desktop consumed with each message ?

The second question relates to Entourage 2004's ability to have messages
exported as text or HTML and then pasted on a Word document. There is a
script I have been using for sometime now under Entourage X named "Entourage
Many to Word" that converts any message or messages selected into text and
placed them in a Word document that can be saved. This is a good way to
search the content of messages or simply save them. I have installed the
script "Entourage Many to Word" in Entourage 2004 but keep getting an error
message. Is there a new version of this particular script (I have searched
but haven't found it) or perhaps another way to accomplish this task either
from within Entourage or with the aid of a script or application ?

The third question relates to Entourage 2004's display of images within
e-mail messages. The newer version doesn't seem to display images and there
is a link on the header of the message that needs to be clicked for images
to then be displayed. Is there a way to toggle this function off ? I have
looked under preferences but haven't found anything.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,

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