Three-way Lookup (revised)


Chris Hankin

Hi, could someone please help with the following? I need to undertake a
three-way lookup.

I need the user to select an Operation and Task Group and for Excel to
lookup any instances where the Operation and
Task Group selected has a matching value in column X containing the
text: "VACANT".

If so, then I need the entire record (entire row) to be copied to a new
workbook named: Report on worksheet named:
Report on c:\ drive.

The actual three-way lookup needs to be performed on worksheet named:
Data. Column B contains the Operation data and column C the Task group
data and column X the Position Status data.

The actual user input is performed on another worksheet (in the same
workbook) named: Report. From this worksheet, the user selects the
Operation from the drop-down list at cell B2 and selects a Task Group
from the drop-down list in cell B4.

Operations has a defined name = Operations!$A$2:$A$12.

Task Group has a defined name = Groups!$A$2:$A$29.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


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Hi Patrick, thanks for your reply - much appreciated. However, I do not
wish to use an Auto Filter as I need the user (someone with very little
Excel skills) to select the Operation and Task Group via drop-down lists
which I have already created as outlined in my original post. I sent
you a few days ago a copy of my spreadsheet - I hope you received it OK?

I have tried to re-word my original post so that hopefully it makes
sense to you and other kind forum members.



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Hi Patrick, when I re-sent my workbook to you (Test.xls) and it was sent
to: (e-mail address removed). I only wrote it the other way (as:
Patrick_MolloyAtHotmailDOTCom) for this forum's posting purposes only.

Could you please advise if you actually received my workbook?



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Hi Patrick, I have sent the workbook again (it's only 138kb in size).
I sent the e-mail as "text only" this time. It should "fingers-crossed"
come through to you at your hotmail address.

Could you please let me know if I was successful?



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