Throw out the Excel Object Model and then bring it back!




With the new XML model in Excel, it was time to throw out the COM interface
and start creating and updating worksheets automatically using XML.

However, I have quickly run into shortcomings and have not found any
solution. Let's start with somthing simple, printing. After creating the
worksheet with XML how can I automically print it without reverting back to
COM and using the print method?

Another example, calucations. Suppose I have a calculation in D4 that is the
sum of B4 and C4. Let's insert values to B4 and C4 using XML, the
calculation in D4 remains stale... again in COM this is not an issue.

Another example, macros. With the COM interface, macros can be invoked to
refine the content of a worksheet. It seems now all the macro code has to
be lifted out so that similar operations can be performed through the XML
model. Are there any tools out there that can help in this situation?

Am I incorrect in my initial reaction? I have only been using the XML
interface for a couple of days so there may be features I have missed.


Jon Peltier

XML isn't a replacement for COM. It should be considered as an alternative
for a subset of the tasks that you may need to carry out.

- Jon

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