Tidyup of IF formula


Big Rick

Hello folks.

I have the following formula that does do the the required job.
Is it possible for it to be 'tidied up', possibly with a lookup formula.

Off","D / O",IF(Apr!$C5="Wrk & 1/2 Hol","½ Hol.",""))))))

Your help is and always has been very much appreciated.
Thanking you in anticipation.

Peo Sjoblom

If you create a table like this

Holiday Hol
Sick Sick
Worked Work
Day Off D / O
Wrk $ 1/2 Hol" 1/2 Hol

put it somewhere off view maybe Y1:Z5 then you can use


hard coded it would look like

Off","D / O";"Wrk $ 1/2 Hol""","1/2 Hol"},2,0))

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