TIME(13,0,0) v. --"13:00"?



Generally, I believe it is better to use DATE(2009,1,2) instead
of --"1/2/2009" because the interpretation of the latter depends Regional
and Language settings.

What about TIME(13,0,0) v. --"13:00"?

In my (US) Regional and Language settings, ":" is the only separator in the
drop-down list.

But I presume it is a drop-down list for a reason. Do some languages use a
differ time separator, at least optionally?

Do some languages specify time in a different order than hh:mm?

Chip Pearson

I don't know about other locale's time separator (I've never seen
anything but ":", but that doesn't mean anything conclusive.), but
TIME will roll over at 24 hours. E.g.,


will return 12:00:00 or in serial format 0.5. The (36-24) hours are
lost. But --"36:00:00" will correctly return 36:00:00 or in serial
format 1.5. The difference can be very important.

I generally don't use the TIME function in worksheet functions.
Instead, I use a VBA function:

Function TimeX(H As Long, M As Long, S As Long) As Date
TimeX = TimeSerial(H, M, S)
End Function

This will properly handle hours > 24. For example,


`will correctly return 36:00:00 or 1.5 in serial format. If H is
negative, the numeric result is correct (=TimeX(-6,0,0) -> -0.25) but
unless you have the 1904 date setting enabled, Excel won't display the
negative time. Instead, it will display #####.

If you don't want to use VBA and have the Hour component of a time in
a cell, say G1, you can use


to return the correct time, not rounded at 24 hours. It does not,
however, handle negative hours.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
Excel Product Group, 1998 - 2009
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email on web site)

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