Hi Everyone
I'm trying to calculate an aggregate time for stages in a process.
I have a start and stop time in julian date format in an array that I have
split from a text string in a cell.
ie A1 ="39196.85 39199.285 39199.353"
mytimearray = split("39196.85 39199.285 39199.353", " ")
I then want to calculate the difference in hours:minutes:seconds
ie I want 2 days 10 hours 26minutes 24seconds represented as 58:26:24
This code is in a loop so If i find the same process code I then want to be
able to add another time to it, ie calculate another time eg 39199.353 -
39199.285 = 01:38:55 and add it to 58:26:24
to get 60:05:19
Code so far
set ws = thisworkbook.worksheets("sheet1")
X =1: U=1:V=1
While ws.Cells(X,1 ).Value <> ""
MyCodeArray = Split(ws.Cells(X, 1).Value, " ")
MyTimeArray = Split(ws.Cells(X, 2).Value, " ")
'A1 ="39196.85 39199.285 39199.353"
'B1 = "1 2 4"
For Y = 1 To UBound(MyCodeArray)
Select Case MyCodeArray(Y)
Case Is = "1", "2"
' This is where I have lots of problems
T_ime1 = T_ime1 + (MyTimeArray(Y) - Mytimearray(Y+1))
Case Is = "3", "4"
T_ime2 = T_ime2 + (MyTimeArray(Y) - Mytimearray(Y+1))
Case else
End Select
next Y
'Then output the agragate time to the sheet
If Time1 > "" Then ws.Cells(U, 4).Value = Time1: U = U + 1: Time1 = 0
If Time2 > "" Then ws.Cells(V, 6).Value = Time2: V = V + 1: Time2 = 0
.....I then go on to sort the aggregate times to get the medain
...... any help would be unbelivably appreciated...
I've tried formatting T_ime as "[h]:mm:ss" but get problems when adding
another time. I'm not sure what type of variable to declare t_ime1 so have
declared it as a variant
Thanks Anthony
I'm trying to calculate an aggregate time for stages in a process.
I have a start and stop time in julian date format in an array that I have
split from a text string in a cell.
ie A1 ="39196.85 39199.285 39199.353"
mytimearray = split("39196.85 39199.285 39199.353", " ")
I then want to calculate the difference in hours:minutes:seconds
ie I want 2 days 10 hours 26minutes 24seconds represented as 58:26:24
This code is in a loop so If i find the same process code I then want to be
able to add another time to it, ie calculate another time eg 39199.353 -
39199.285 = 01:38:55 and add it to 58:26:24
to get 60:05:19
Code so far
set ws = thisworkbook.worksheets("sheet1")
X =1: U=1:V=1
While ws.Cells(X,1 ).Value <> ""
MyCodeArray = Split(ws.Cells(X, 1).Value, " ")
MyTimeArray = Split(ws.Cells(X, 2).Value, " ")
'A1 ="39196.85 39199.285 39199.353"
'B1 = "1 2 4"
For Y = 1 To UBound(MyCodeArray)
Select Case MyCodeArray(Y)
Case Is = "1", "2"
' This is where I have lots of problems
T_ime1 = T_ime1 + (MyTimeArray(Y) - Mytimearray(Y+1))
Case Is = "3", "4"
T_ime2 = T_ime2 + (MyTimeArray(Y) - Mytimearray(Y+1))
Case else
End Select
next Y
'Then output the agragate time to the sheet
If Time1 > "" Then ws.Cells(U, 4).Value = Time1: U = U + 1: Time1 = 0
If Time2 > "" Then ws.Cells(V, 6).Value = Time2: V = V + 1: Time2 = 0
.....I then go on to sort the aggregate times to get the medain
...... any help would be unbelivably appreciated...
I've tried formatting T_ime as "[h]:mm:ss" but get problems when adding
another time. I'm not sure what type of variable to declare t_ime1 so have
declared it as a variant
Thanks Anthony